The High Cost of Turnover
American Franchise Academy
Elite training and support for Franchisees to manage & scale their business with confidence
The turnover cost goes beyond recruitment ads. Many things are financially impacted when an employee leaves. Discover the true cost of turnover, how to calculate it, and how it impacts the overall business.
We?tend to?think about the cost of turnover only in terms of the money invested in recruitment ads and the time spent in?the interview?and the?hiring processes. However, this cost?goes beyond that.
In this blog post, we'll go over the high cost of turnover and how it impacts the overall business.?Not only that. We'll review how?to?calculate this hidden cost?so you can begin to?reduce turnover.
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How much is turnover costing your business?
These are some of the concepts that are impacted every time you lose?an employee:
As you can see, turnover can have a high cost and become a?real problem for your business' financial health.
That's why, as a business?leader, you have to do everything in your power to keep turnover costs as low as possible, not only to save those expenses but also to maintain a team's positive mood and generate satisfied customers every day.
Calculate staff turnover
It's important to know your turnover rate?and measure?it each month to make this hidden cost visible in your?financial statement.?Having this clarity will help you evidence how much turnover is costing you because if?you don’t see it, you?won't be able to improve it.
Use this formula to calculate your monthly turnover percentage:
? ?Number of employees at the beginning of the month +?Number of hired employees -? Total employees at the end of the month /? Number of employees at the beginning of the month x 100
Now that you know how to calculate your turnover, compare your business to the rest of the industry to determine how much you need to?improve your turnover percentage:
The franchise industry is more than anything, a people's business.?Hiring and retaining the best people is one of the reasons why?the best franchisees make huge profits.
If you would like to?learn more about how to find?the right people for your franchise, explore the?training and development programs?that the?American Franchise Academy?has to offer.
We have training programs for?unit managers,?district managers, and for?developing multi-unit franchisees?and we can help them achieve?their highest potential.