High Conflict Divorce Custody Cases in Florida
Debora A. Diaz
Divorce & Family Law Attorney and Florida Supreme Court Certified Family Mediator
Divorce can be bitter and even more intense when the divorcing couple shares a child or children and cannot agree regarding their child’s future. There may be arguments about what school their child will attend or what sport they play. They may argue about which of them will become the custodial parent. They may fight over time-sharing schedules and may not agree on how much time the child will spend with each parent. One parent may insist on more time.
Emotions are a Key Component of a High Conflict Divorce
When emotions become too intense, or one or both parents become verbally or even physically aggressive, the custody case is considered “high conflict.” Generally, high conflict scenarios can happen when one or both parents are too emotional to communicate reasonably. This inhibits the parties’ ability to come to a peaceful and mutual understanding.?One parent may be a narcissist.?In high-conflict divorce custody cases, expect bad mouthing, inability to let go, refusal to compromise, constant blaming, lying, and a desire for revenge.?The parties will also use the child or children as pawns.
High conflict divorce custody cases can have detrimental effects on the kids, hurting them emotionally, mentally, and psychologically. These traumas can have short-term and long-term effects. Therefore, the goal should be to eliminate the conflict and de-escalate the situation.
Solutions that can help in negotiating high conflict custody cases
High-conflict divorce custody cases are not only messy and emotionally and mentally damaging but also the most expensive. When co-parents cannot agree, the divorce and custody battle gets drawn out. This potentially costs you more money in the long run. The litigation battle can last years in high-conflict cases. If you find yourself in a high-conflict custody battle, you may want to seek the help of trained professionals, such as:
Family Therapist
Family therapists or mediators help create a communicative and safe environment for the entire family. They allow both the parents and the children to find a peaceful resolution to the high conflict between the parents.
However, family therapy will only work if both parents agree to it. In many high-conflict cases, one parent is unwilling to compromise because they believe they are right about everything. Most likely they won’t want to attend family therapy out of fear that someone other than their ex-spouse will point out their faults.
However, most likely both parents, despite their bickering, share a deep love for their child and are willing to do whatever it takes to ensure their child’s best interests. The parties may at least agree to attend family therapy or parenting counseling to help them reach a compromise.
Family Mediation
Family mediation programs?help disputing parties find and explore acceptable resolutions in child custody conflicts, including parenting responsibility, child support, and parenting plans. It can help de-escalate high-conflict cases by encouraging discussion between parties. The Florida Supreme Court can provide trained family mediators, often in law and healthcare.
Family Divorce Lawyer
Custody cases can get ugly. If you find yourself in a high-conflict custody battle with an ex-partner who is being unreasonable, it may be time to seek the help of an experienced family divorce lawyer. The right family lawyer can help ensure you will not be bullied, threatened, or manipulated by an aggressive spouse. Your lawyer will also look out for you, ensuring that your behavior doesn’t hurt your case and cause you to lose custody or certain parental rights.
Parenting Coordinator
Parenting coordinators help parents talk through differences and make child-related decisions. The process typically begins after the court issues the final custody order, but parents can also use coordination to negotiate a settlement.
For more help on high conflict divorce custody cases, call?Debora A. Diaz Esquire?at 727-846-1802 to schedule a consultation or use the Scheduling Link:?https://deboradiazlawscheduling.as.me/. All consultations are by telephone or video conferencing.
Attorney Diaz practices exclusively in divorce and family law in Florida. Debora A. Diaz is also a?Florida Supreme Court Certified Family Mediator.