High Altitude Connections: Taking Partnerships to New Heights
While we love our Pennsylvania HQ, last month, two of Denny Civic Solutions’ own hopped a plane to build partnerships just a feeeew states away – in Colorado.?
Kelley and Anna jetted off on behalf of Mercy Ships, a global nonprofit that provides free surgeries for people who do not have access to care, from two hospital ships along the African coast fully run by volunteers.?
Yes, you read that correctly: from their surgical staff, to housekeepers, chefs, nurses, maritime professionals, biomedical technicians, and teachers (they have a K-12 school on board) each position is filled by a volunteer. Their tremendous work has led to life-changing results for hundreds of thousands of patients across their 40+ years of operation, delivering hope and healing.?
Our team was there to help the Mercy Ships team build partnerships at the American Association of Critical-Care Nurses’ National Teaching Institute & Critical Care Exposition, all with the goal of finding and engaging new volunteers from around the country. And even just a few weeks later, those partnerships are already resulting in a measurable impact on their recruiting efforts.
Yet even though Denver is a little farther afield than, say, Harrisburg or Philly — what Kelley and Anna were doing for Mercy Ships is hardly something new to the Denny Civic Solutions team. Finding connections and building relationships for our clients is our bread and butter.?
So whether you’re working to build awareness of your organization, attract new volunteers, or build a coalition to advance legislation right here in the Commonwealth – when you find folks with overlapping interests willing to join forces for a common goal, you take your impact higher (dare we say…a mile higher?)
Looking to find new avenues for partnerships with other organizations inside (or outside) your industry? Schedule a 20-minute call with our team and see if DCS is a good fit for your organization!