The High Achiever's Paradox: Why Slowing Down Leads to Speeding Up
Esther Apoussidis
Guiding women with a powerful calling to move from stagnation to positive manifestation through energy and abundance alignment coaching | Empowerment & Wellbeing Speaker | Bestseller Writer
In a world that glorifies constant hustle and achievement, the high achiever's curse has become a prevalent affliction. We are often subjected to relentless pressure to succeed and accumulate accolades, a pattern of thinking and behaviour that is deeply ingrained in our society and, more often than not, inherited from our parents.
This unrelenting pursuit of achievement can erode our self-esteem and leave our energy levels depleted. We come to believe that we are not good enough, not worthy, whenever we fall short of the expectations we set for ourselves. In this article, we delve into the profound impact of this mindset on our physical and mental well-being and explore the transformative power of shifting our focus from incessant doing to embracing the essence of being.
The Toll on Our Psyche
The incessant drive for high-octane achievement can take a toll on our psyche. Renowned neuroscientist and author Dr Joe Dispenza emphasises that our thoughts shape our reality. When we constantly push ourselves to do more, we inadvertently feed our minds with a narrative that we are not enough as we are. This negative self-perception becomes a breeding ground for stress and anxiety, eroding our self-esteem and inner peace.
Your thoughts have the power to create your reality. When you believe you must constantly achieve more, you're telling yourself that you lack something, perpetuating a cycle of inadequacy. - Dr Joe Dispenza
The Physical Consequences
The consequences of this relentless pursuit of achievement extend beyond the realm of the mind. It manifests physically, often resulting in burnout and adrenal fatigue. Research conducted by Dr Sarah Allen and her team at Stanford University underscores the damaging effects of chronic stress on the body. Prolonged exposure to stress hormones weakens the immune system, making us susceptible to illness and disease. This physiological toll underscores the urgent need to break free from the high achiever's curse for the sake of our well-being.
Chronic stress can lead to a weakened immune system, leaving individuals more vulnerable to a range of health issues, from frequent colds to more serious illnesses. - Dr Sarah Allen, Stanford University
The Power of Doing Less
To break free from the high achiever's curse, we must learn the art of doing less. Embracing stillness and acknowledging the power of who we are can lead to a profound transformation. When we shift our focus from constantly doing to simply being, we tap into a wellspring of creativity and inspiration.
In the midst of movement and chaos, keep stillness inside of you. That's where you'll find your true self and the wisdom to navigate life. - Deepak Chopra
Balancing Masculine and Feminine Energies
Achieving balance between the energies of doing (masculine) and being (feminine) is key to transcending the high achiever's curse. This balance creates alignment within us and allows us to operate at a higher level. It's in this state of equilibrium that we experience heightened inspiration, enhanced flow, deeper insights, and unwavering clarity of direction.
To the mind that is still, the whole universe surrenders. - Lao Tzu
Reconnecting with Our Divine Self
In the chaos of constant activity, we often lose touch with our divine self and higher intelligence, which reside in the field of all possibilities. Slowing down and embracing the power of being helps us re-establish this connection. It's in this sacred space that we find inspiration, purpose, and the ability to navigate life's challenges with grace.
My Story and Divine Providence
As for myself, I frequently recognise the compulsion to do more, to multi-task and to strive hard to succeed. I am definitely a product of high achieving parents and their well-intentioned ideas of encouragement, by offering financial incentives to get high grades. This created a lot of pressure and environment of competition between myself and my siblings (I had 5 brothers and one sister and we all ended up going to university). I believe to this day, it set upon me the high achiever's curse: never being satisfied, never being good enough, always putting "doing" before "being".
I've had to undergo a radical shift in my awareness and behaviour to stop going down that slippery path. For it is easily done, especially when we're so caught up in the doing. However, when I made a concerted and conscious effort to slow down and put meditation, breathwork, Energy Alignment Method recalibration, walking in nature and journaling into practice, then I experience this shift in consciousness. I am able to make a deliberate choice to believe differently: that I'm good enough, that whatever I do is enough, that "being" (feeling abundant, worthy and expansive) is more powerful than "doing", because so often "doing" comes from this place of lack: the need to do more and that am I not this omnipotent creator (the embodied spirit of "I Am Possible" and "All Is Possible").
And then when I'm in the higher flow energy of expanded consciousness, Divine providence intercedes: I secure bookings and powerful connections and collaborations seemingly out of nowhere. The energy of co-creation moves in support of my vision and my best intentions for the good of myself and the collective good.
The high achiever's curse may be deeply ingrained in our society, but it is not an insurmountable obstacle. By embracing the wisdom of slowing down, balancing our energies, and reconnecting with our divine selves, we can break free from this self-destructive pattern. In doing so, we not only enhance our physical and mental well-being but also unlock a higher level of inspiration, flow, insight, focus, and clarity, ultimately leading us to unparalleled success and fulfilment.
Feel free to share with someone who needs to slow down in their life.
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