Hierarchy of Receiving the Good News

Hierarchy of Receiving the Good News

By Juan Rodriguez

Based on the Hierarchy of Buying, by Scott Stratten (UnMarketing: Stop Marketing. Start Engaging, pgs 1-3)

    People buy from those they know, trust, and like. In a spiritual sense, the Christian sells the Gospel - Oh, not like a sales person selling you a product, insurance, or a car. We Christian's do sell by way of "Witness". For us, being a "Witness" of the Gospel is not selling a message, we're giving our audience a reason for why we are Faithful, Hopeful, and Loving towards God. To be a Witness in a spiritual way, a Christian brings his or her audience into their Journey, That Journey leads to a personal Encounter with Jesus. Imagine, with a little direction, purpose, and mission development - your average parishioner can be an agent of transformation in your community. How?

The Parishioner or Visitor invests their time in the parish life when they know, trust, and like Parishioners who believe in the Gospel Message and live it. This Hierarchy of Receiving the Gospel is an adaptation from Stratten's work, "UnMarketing", which I believe can help our Parish, or any parish, create a plan of action within their boundaries. The higher your Parish is on the Pyramid, means you have the spiritual attention of your Parishioners and Visitors. There are Six levels to reflect on about our Parish.


CURRENT SATISFIED PARISHIONER: Parishioners will frequently participate in Religious and Parish Events. Visitors within the parish boundaries will be attracted by the Christian example of parishioners. Current “Satisfied” Parishioners may continue to support the Parish, but it does not mean that they are happy parishioners. Parish leadership can develop a pastoral plan that can engage and encourage parishioners to stay connected to the Community.

WHO RECOMMENDED THE PARISHIONER TO OUR PARISH: We should ask new parishioners we know, which groups, businesses, and organizations within our boundaries, would support our parish mission. Parishioners play an important role in bringing family, friends, and neighbors to the Church. They also play an important part bringing visitors to the Parish. Scott Stratten asks the question: Are you on the tip of the tongue when someone asks for recommendations within your industry? (pg 1) We can change the word “Industry” for Parish, Church, or Community. Are people recommending others to come and visit our Church?

REPEAT VISITORS WHO HAVE NOT BECOME PARISHIONERS: The repeat Visitor knows us, trusts us, but has not made the decision to be a member of the parish. Stratten writes, The key here is that they have the need for your product or service, you are in the front of their minds. (pg 2) In other words, our witness and testimony of faith is very important to their Encounter with Christ. This is central to our belief in the Communion of Saints. Their experience of Parishes Pastoral Care will draw them to becoming members of our Community, and recommend people to use our services.

RECOGNIZED EXPERTS IN OUR PARISH MISSION: Our services, practice of faith, witness, testimony, knowledge of the Catholic Faith, and Mission of the Parish, are crucial to our work in Sunnyside. It is very important that members of Parish understand the Faith, the Parish History, its Devotion, and Mission. The Gospel message has to be received by all. A Parish, which cares for its Mission, promotes the Good News, will spread the Gospel Message within their boundaries. Parishioners and Visitors are looking for an authentic encounter with Jesus through Queen of Angels Church. We want to amaze our Parishioners and Visitors of the joy we have in Christ.

FINDING US THROUGH THE LOCAL MEDIA: Very few Parishioners take advantage of our resources presented in the Bulletin. There are Parishioners who still do not know the name of the Pastor, or even the groups that are linked to the Parish. It is even possible that some Parishioners do not know the members of the parish. They will randomly search for resources in other Parishes that can help them, forgetting Queen of Angels Church. People are going to shop for the right Church that can provide them with the necessary resources. Stratten writes, You don’t want to be here. (Pg 3).

OUT REACH THROUGH ORDINARY COMMUNICATIONS: (Ordinary Communications - Phone, Snail Mail, Email, Faxes, etc.) Most of the people within our Parish Boundaries are not saying to themselves “Someone is going to call me. Someone is going to help me. Someone is going to give me that spiritual support.” Someone has to reach out to these people. Stratten calls this Cold-Calling, which is time-intensive with horrible results. (pg 3). Imagine calling 1,500 Parishioners? Not all are going to be welcoming. Imagine emailing 1,500 Parishioners? Some may block our emails, others may ignore the emails or forget it. This way of communication has very little results, but some do respond.

Stratten asks, Where on the pyramid are you focusing your marketing efforts? The lowest point with high competition and low margins? Or the middle while aiming to get to the top? He continues, The main reason people don’t focus on the middle is because it takes time. Building trust takes time. Fostering relationships takes time. (pg 3) Do we value the time to create friendships? Yes!

Catholics are into the spiritual business of building trust, and fostering relationships. Our Lord teaches us, The Kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed that a person took and sowed in a field. It is the smallest of all the seeds, yet when full-grown it is the largest of plants. It becomes a large bush, and the ‘birds of the sky come and dwell in its branches. (Matt 13:31-32) This is the image of our Church - our parish exists in Sunnyside to build & foster a community. Jesus calls us to create friendships that would draw people to Himself - He is our Good News that can change our lives. It's time we engage our Community!

Check out Scott Stratten's Book, "UnMarkerting: Stop Marketing. Start Engaging." Find his work at www.UnMarketing,com



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