Hiding is optional, life is a given, why being weird is not weird!
Roy Martin MBE
Mentoring - get unstuck, find a meaning, get a focus, do what you love - make a difference!"
I’ve felt weird and different most of my life but kept it to myself! I have always thought differently to others, intuitively seeing multiple solutions to problems or life issues. Not all my ideas fitted with what others liked or wanted and some, well were off the scale, but they would have done a good job!
I saw the world differently and for me that was normal, I did not get how others thought or acted, it just did not make sense. Kids are open books and relatively unlimited in their early years so can see and experience, angels, butterfly’s, and fairies, didn’t you! Kids engaged and connected with these energies but eventually, the adults would tell them off for being silly, they were only fantasies to them.
So, at a young age these childhood encounters are suppressed by the big people to a point they don’t feel them anymore or the child learnt not to say anything but still play and chat with their little people. The psychological industry would give us a number of theories to why the kids are having these experiences and probably explained that it’s just a childhood event and as they develop and gain knowledge these episodes will fade, and they will become normal!
I wonder if they have told that to the millions of men and women globally who have daily chats with their angels, fairies, and butterfly’s
But the trouble for me was acceptance by others, and to be weird or different publicly would bring with it judgement and condemnation, so I didn’t speak about it and by doing so, hid myself too! I only showed to the world what I thought was acceptable and wouldn’t bring any judgement or criticism. As children we just wanted to be with our mates and play but if you didn’t fit with others then you generally got excluded. I have seen some much of that I my life, those who were different tended to get a hard time by the rest, particularly in the workplace.
So fearing rejection I spent a big chunk of my life hiding lots of things about myself, a connection with an energetic world that transcends the physical, my ability to feel and see what’s going on for people and their business at a deep level, my strong connection with Love and the Creator, my spirituality, my love for people and creative abilities. These are not everyday subjects you hear at the checkout, “How’s your energy field and conversation with God doing this morning Doris?â€
I am not alone and over the years have chatted with huge numbers of people who feel like me and experience life differently. It took me many years to grow and step out of the shadows to let my light shine and speak about the person that I really am, and be true to myself. Its still uncomfortable on occasions, particularly around very left brain logical people who only one have one view of life, theirs!
If you feel different in any way, bloody great! Accept yourself and be true to who you are, if others do not like it remember its their issue not yours. Hiding creates stress and ill health. Many people are hiding their authenticity and its slowly killing them, please don’t be one of them, be true to you and smile at who you are, you are great!
If you want to explore being yourself then drop me an email!
Roy Martin MBE guides people to create the life they want by following their values and passions doing what they love, whether that’s personally, professionally or in business. Those who are at a cross-roads or stuck in life seeking direction or focus to follow their talents and calling.
Roy has a gift of inspiring people to see beyond their limitation to a world of possibility. He then journey's with them to make things real - it's a transformational and life changing experience! Its guiding people to become their Truest Self, step into their leadership and make a positive difference!