Hiding from your own truth
Olivia Podobea
?? Insight & Transformation Coach; ?? Soft Skills Trainer; ?? Clarity to achieve your objectives; ?? Personal and professional exponential growth
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Every client that crosses my path teaches me something. And, of course, I teach them something. I already told you that I like forming partnerships with my clients in order to help each other evolve.
What one of my latest clients taught me is that when people talk too much, they do it in order to hide something. From themselves or from others.
Even though coaching is not about healing, people are still afraid to open up. They might be afraid of judging. They might be afraid of realizing something that bothers them deeply or even hurts them in the present.
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As your coach I can help you overcome these challenges. I can help you create a better future where problems do not cross your path so often. I can help you find the answer that has been hidden from you until now.
I am asking you not to beat yourself up if you haven’t found your path until now. Sometimes people need help from the outside in order to find their answers.
This client I am telling you about was always telling me stories instead of answering my questions. They were running away from the answer, from the solution. They were telling me about every single detail in their story. Even adding more details to the details. This was their way of avoiding the profound answer, the real and deep truth about themselves.
And this client wasn’t the only one that did this. In my career I have met multiple people that avoid facing themselves. Especially if we are at one of our first coaching sessions where they are not fully comfortable yet.
But coaching isn’t something that should scare you and make you run away. You don’t have to hide in your stories.
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