HIDE AND SEEK -A poem for this time
Hide and Seek
Remember childhood years
Playing “hide and seek”
The joy of finding… but not being found !
As daffodils blossom
And our lives are placed on hold,
We play again,
But pray to remain hidden.
AS Virus seeks us out
A hidden silent “searcher”.
We hide in plain sight
And fear the touch of “Got you” voice.
Remember childhood years
That joy of staying hidden
Hope and clever choices
Kept us safe and well back then,
And can do so once again
Hide in Plain Sight
Be seen… but at a distance
Play bingo at the window
Sing loud from front door step
Walk apart in sunlit field
Cast a wave, a word , a smile
To all who “hide” with us.
Lets keep the “searcher”
Lost in the spaces
Of our togetherness .
This game will not last forever.
Peter Finnegan March 24th 2020