Hidden Value
John Niland
Supporting professionals to build a powerful professional identity in the Age of A.I., rooted in self-worth and self-belief
Recently, I had an informal conversation with another coach who focuses on inspiring his clients to make decisions and execute them.
We connected well around topics such as planning, clarity of thought, the need for challenge and the ever-present scourge of procrastination.
Thinking about the conversation afterwards however, I realised we never really discussed the value of what he does. We discussed the mechanisms of decision-making rather than the value of decision-making. We shared the pitfalls of procrastination rather than the value of overcoming it.?
So… what might that value be?
Understanding Value
The value of anything is the difference it makes: the reason why it’s important.? For a host of reasons, this “difference” is often invisible.? For example, in this case…
> the “difference” (or beneficial effects) might include the positive consequences of moving into execution e.g. the revenue gained, increased visibility or team efficiency. Sometimes these benefits happen after the coaching engagement. For example, the revenue gain (arising from the coaching work) may flower into opportunity several months after the coaching ends.?
> the value can also include the risks avoided. For example: customer complaints, reputation risk, team stagnation, loss of ground to competitors, regulatory issues etc. Indeed, when it comes to valuing coaching services, the risks sometimes carry more weight that the benefits.?
> As well as the tangible benefits and risks above, the intangibles can be equally significant. For example, the effects on confidence, self-esteem and energy.?
My friend and I fell into one of the classic traps: forgetting to explore value. We got carried away by the content of our work and in doing so, we forgot to explore the context that makes it useful. Both of us know this distinction… and yet we both fell into the pitfall!
Hidden Value
Our next webinar on Tuesday April 30th is “11 ways that most professionals devalue their work”.
In this session, we will dig into practical examples, exploring the pitfalls that nearly all of us have fallen into, often arising from deep values around excellence and services, not to mention our passion for the content of our work.
This webinar will cover:?
- 11 of the most common ways that professionals diminish their value
- how to spot and correct these behaviours in your career or business
- examples of how self-worth makes a tangible difference
- 4 tips for interviews: to make subsequent negotiation easier
- 5 practical habits to incorporates into your day-to-day conversations with clients and prospects?
Register here for the zoom link (Don't forget to add it to your online calendar)
? John Niland, April 2024. For enquiries about John as coach or speaker, on topics of self-worth and professional identity, see www.selfworthacademy.com or email [email protected]