The Hidden Truth: Two Surprising Barriers to Your Dream Life, Revealed After Working with Over 1500 Clients
Erik Sorenson
International Public Speaker ??Author ??Entrepreneur ???? Marketer????Father ???? Husband. ??
Two underestimated attributes stand as barriers between you and your ideal life.?It took 20 years for me to uncover and understand these two characteristics fully.?Initially, when I began unveiling these truths, I found it hard to believe that they held such significance. Remarkably, these two characteristics bear the keys to obliterating what obstructs the extraordinary life most of us aspire to have.
Whether you are wildly successful, blessed with wealth and fitness, or if you find yourself penniless, grappling with life’s challenges, or devoid of hope, these two attributes are pivotal.
They have the power to unlock all that you desire in life. Mastering these two elements can set you on a path to creating the life most people only dream of.
What makes these attributes so influential??They strike at the core of the actual problem.?Often, when you ask people about the hurdles to their dreams, they’ll recount tangible resources such as money, time, opportunity, skills, or knowledge. Although essential, these are merely superficial resources, useful only when you have unearthed and confronted the real issue.
Tools, strategies, and tactics are ineffective unless you are prepared to put in the work. To truly make progress, you must delve into the foundation and reconstruct it from scratch.
A beneficial tool in an unprepared mind will always fail, but the same tool in a receptive mind can lead to an unstoppable life.
By now, you might be eager to hear the punchline. However, bear in mind that once you know what I am about to reveal, you might be tempted to dismiss it. Why so? Because the answer seems blatantly obvious, even simplistic.
But it is far from simple. Mastering the emotions tied to these two attributes will likely be some of the toughest work you’ll ever undertake. Don’t brush them aside; they are powerful enough to hold you captive and subconsciously deter you from taking action towards your dream life.
Attribute #1: “I Don’t Deserve It.”
Many aren’t where they aspire to be in life because they grapple with feelings of undeservedness. The reality is, we don’t merely get what we want in life; we receive what we believe we deserve, or more specifically, we settle for the bare minimum of what we feel we’re worthy of. This occurs because we tend to tolerate what we feel we don’t deserve.
In an article entitled?“You Don’t Get What You Want In Life, You Get What You Tolerate,”?I detailed this problem, including strategies to change it immediately.
Your life will invariably reflect the minimum standard of what you will accept. You tolerate less because you truly don’t believe you deserve more. The luxurious house, the perfect relationship, the dream job, the ideal life — you don’t believe you deserve these, and thus, you never attain them.
These feelings cause you to lower your standards to the bare minimum life that you can tolerate, in other words, what you believe you deserve.
If you harbor the belief that you don’t deserve it, you won’t obtain it. I’m not claiming that you don’t deserve it or that these perceptions are factual. Instead, I’m conveying that if you comprehend this, you can eradicate your belief of undeservedness. The fact is, you will ALWAYS act in accordance with your beliefs. So, if you don’t believe you deserve it, your actions, whether subconsciously or consciously, will align with that belief, leading to self-sabotage whenever you approach the minimum standard that you feel you deserve.
It’s akin to skimming the ocean floor all your life, occasionally managing to surface only to find yourself dragged back to the depths. This only occurs if you believe you’re worthy of the ocean’s bottom, ignoring the beauty, happiness, and joy that float above the surface.
Attribute #2: “I am not worthy.”
This belief fuels the feeling of undeservedness. It’s the reason you feel undeserving because, at your core, you feel unworthy. For various reasons, this belief is the cornerstone of why most people fail to live the life of their dreams. They don’t think they’re worthy of everything they truly desire. Circumstances and experiences from a young age ingrained this perception in us. We view ourselves as unworthy of the life most dream of, preventing us from moving beyond the minimum standard because we don’t believe we’re worthy of a higher one.
“We often block our own blessings because we don’t feel inherently good enough or smart enough or pretty enough or worthy enough… You’re worthy because you are born and because you are here. Your being here, your being alive makes worthiness your birthright. You alone are enough.” — Oprah Winfrey
Yes, you have made mistakes — everyone born has. Despite these mistakes, you ARE worthy. Some believe that our flaws and weaknesses as humans deter us from our dreams. In reality, our flawed existence houses our power — the power to transform our mess into our mission. A life of power recognizes weakness, chooses worthiness, and harnesses it to soar sky high.
So how can you start feeling deserving and worthy?
To begin with, let’s take a leaf out of Tony Robbins’s playbook. Robbins often emphasizes the power of altering your mindset. He states,?“Any time you sincerely want to make a change, the first thing you must do is to raise your standards.”?But how do we do this? It starts with reshaping our internal dialogues. Often, we get caught in a loop of negative self-talk, doubting our worth and capabilities. The first step to feeling deserving and worthy is changing this narrative.
Start by acknowledging your achievements and successes, no matter how small they may seem. Every day, take a moment to write down three things you’re proud of. This practice can help you realize how much you’re capable of achieving and can boost your self-esteem. As self-help author Louise L. Hay said,?“You have been criticizing yourself for years, and it hasn’t worked. Try approving of yourself and see what happens.”
Next, let’s address your beliefs about what you deserve.
Often, we are subconsciously hindered by our past mistakes or shortcomings, believing they make us unworthy of success or happiness. It’s essential to understand that everyone makes mistakes. Instead of seeing them as failures, view them as learning experiences that contribute to your growth. Remember Maya Angelou’s powerful words,?“You alone are enough. You have nothing to prove to anybody.”
Moreover, recognize the fact that you are a work in progress and that each step you take toward your goals is a victory in itself. This mindset will encourage you to set higher standards for yourself, not because you are unworthy now, but because you are deserving of the best that life has to offer.
Finally, embody your future successful self.
As Napoleon Hill once said,?“Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.”?Start to visualize the life you desire, feel it, believe in it, and act as though you are already living it. This ‘fake it till you make it’ approach may sound simplistic, but it has been proven effective in numerous psychological studies. By aligning your thoughts, emotions, and actions with the future you desire, you begin to embody the success and worthiness you seek.
In essence, feeling deserving and worthy of the life of your dreams begins with you. Alter your mindset, acknowledge your achievements, learn from your mistakes, and fully embrace the journey toward your dreams. In the words of James Cameron,?“If you set your goals ridiculously high and it’s a failure, you will fail above everyone else’s success.”
So aim high, believe in your worthiness and prepare yourself for success beyond your wildest dreams.
Solidify the commitment to yourself and get a free copy of my new book, Commit First ,?by clicking here.