The Hidden Truth About The Second Coming of Christ!
Ernesto Giro
Apostle, Evangelist, Prophet, "International Expert", Orator, Artist, Music Producer & Songwriter
The Return of Jesus Christ
Is the Return of Christ Near? And if it is, how can we be READY? Jesus Christ is going to return. The Bible says so. The return of Christ is the greatest hope of all who walk with Him.
Today there is much to be taught and written about the return of Christ. Because October 7th is only a short time away, the subject has grown to dominate much Christian teaching. Always the return of Christ is spoken of as if it is at hand, a few years away at most. But is it? How can we know for sure? And what should we do to get ready for it? It must be ironic in the eyes of God that ALL Christians throughout the centuries have spent so much time trying to figure out the time of the second coming when Jesus had expressly told us that we could not know the time. As in the time on your watch (Chronos) for example, notice this in Mathew 24:36: “But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father ONLY!” So Jesus is talking here of the “exact” day and hour! But some of us insist that we can know what time exactly he will come!
Jesus says we can't. Sure, we would never say we know the hour of His Coming. But there are those who like the late Evangelist Harold Camping, even recently, have said they know the day, or the year, or perhaps the decade. And t the very least, most of us would at least claim that we are certain that Christ's return is near. "It has to be near," we state. "Never has there been a time in history which fulfills so much prophecy. This is a sure indication that the return of Christ will be in our lifetime."
The expectation that Christ will come in our lifetime has become so universally accepted that to question it almost classifies you as a troublemaker or heretic. But wait. If the Truth is what we are really after, then it is never wrong to rethink what we have so easily accepted. It is never wrong to put what I believe back out on the table for examination, with an open heart to God. At worst, I'll simply just confirm that what I believed was the Simple Truth. At best, I'll back off of some of the things I have too quickly crystallized into dogma, and re-focus my heart to the priorities God desires.
Let's do this with regards to the Second Coming. There are at least three reasons why many Christians think Jesus is coming back soon, probably in their lifetime. But are these reasons as valid as we have assumed?
(1) Jesus said the gospel was to be preached to all nations before the end. Only today is that prophecy fulfilled.
Jesus did not elaborate as to what depth the gospel must be preached. When He used the word "nations," he meant "peoples."
That makes the task almost limitless. Jesus never tells us if He means every single person on earth, or just in general. Furthermore, nothing Jesus said precludes the possibility that after the gospel does reach "all nations," that God will not want those nations to abide under the Truth for quite some time, perhaps even centuries. Clearly, nothing Jesus said indicates any particular time frame at all for His return. He simply says that the gospel must first be preached to all the world (to ALL peoples). So it has been for more than two thousand years now.
(2) Evil is abounding as never before. Therefore, the end is near.
Evil has always been abounding "as never before" because evil has always been increasing. Furthermore, as evil as things are today, it is always possible for them to get worse. The evil we see in the world today is simply no REAL indicator of the specific time of Jesus’ return. Only God knows when the cup of iniquity is full.
(3) World events are pointing toward the Second Coming.
World government, technology to make a "mark of the beast," strange weather patterns, and the presence of the so called state of Israel in the Holy Land are all said to be evidences that Christ's return is near. We need to read what Jesus said about looking at world events. He said, "You shall hear of wars and rumors of wars…(Well we’ve certainly have recently heard a lot about this)...but the end is not yet." The indication is, world events tell us nothing about the nearness of Christ's return.
In fact, from the perspective of each generation since Christ, there have been physical fulfillments for the "mark of the beast," etc. We are no exception.
Israel in the Holy Land, is, of course, a great indicator of the last days. But God never tells us how long Israel will be in the Holy Land before the end. For all we know, it could be for hundreds of years. RIGHT? What about the “true” peoples of Israel and not just the Jews? When will they be in the “Holy Land”?
Clearly, none of the commonly given indicators really prove that Christ is coming soon. But don't misunderstand. There is likewise no proof that He isn't coming soon. He could come today, or tomorrow. That would be GREAT. But He could also come a hundred years from now. We just don't know. But what if we could know for sure? What if this information somehow were revealed to us? So what are we to do then? The Bible makes it clear that we have ONE responsibility regarding the Second Coming of Jesus. Do you know what it is? Is it to figure out WHEN He is Coming? No. Not really but I can tell you we are very CLOSE! Is it to chart out Bible prophecies so that we can at least have a small idea of when He will return? Nope. The one responsibility Jesus gave us with regards to His Coming is this: BE READY!
What does it mean to "be ready" for the return of Christ? As we have seen, it most certainly has nothing to do with knowing WHEN “exactly” He will return, since the same Jesus who told us to be ready, also told us we could NOT know neither the "exact" day of the week nor the "exact" hour when He would come Back.
To "be ready" speaks of a spiritual condition. It suggests a condition of heart which has an affinity for Jesus Christ, such that when He returns, we will be ready to live forever with Him. It is imperative that Christians really understand the relationship between what we are in Christ NOW and what we will be in Christ THEN. The relationship is a direct one, although we do not have a truly complete point of reference to grasp the link. But to illustrate, ask this question: Am I presently serving God or mammon (the god of money) with my heart and life? If I am serving mammon, that is, the power behind the WEALTH, MONEY and financial needs and GREED which are governed by this life and this age, then when Christ returns, do I expect that I will magically be transformed into a completely different person, with a completely different motivation? I can't be. I AM what I AM.
What I have become NOW, through choices of faith, is directly linked to what I shall become THEN. God can only take what I've become. If I'm not fellow-shipping with Jesus Christ NOW, because I have other priorities, then I cannot possibly expect to be ready for Him when He comes THEN. It just doesn't work that way. If it did, then all the warnings Jesus gave about "being ready" would have been needless.
So what should we do? Be ready. Live NOW as if Jesus were coming NOW. Live NOW the life of faith. Reign and rule with Christ NOW over that which has been conquered by Him. If we do this, then we will be able to reign and rule with Him THEN. But if we don't live NOW as if it is THEN, it is quite possible that Jesus' return will be to us as a "thief in the night." He will come and we'll not "be ready." We will have allowed ourselves to become as one of the foolish maids who had no oil in their lamps to meet the bridegroom. Jesus never told us to try to figure out when He was coming back. He simply told us to "be ready." For more than two thousand years Christians have been waiting for His return. So far, all who have died did so without seeing their hope fulfilled. But if they were READY for His return, they died ready. Thus, whether we live or die, let us "be ready" to live with Jesus Christ forever.
Divine Revelation
The Good News is God has revealed to me as His servant and prophet the approximate date of the return of His Son Jesus Christ to this Earth! YES BELIEVE IT OR NOT! God has given me a profound access to this important information because as it is written in Amos, 3:7: “Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he revealeth HIS SECRET unto His servants the prophets” And also let us notice what is written in 1 Thessalonians, 5:1-4: “But of the times and the seasons, brethren, ye have no need that I write unto you. For you yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord (His return) so cometh as a thief in the night. For when they (in the New World Order) shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child (just like a pregnant woman going into labor all of the sudden without warning); and they shall not escape (compare with Rev, 6:15-17). But ye brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief.”
SO ARE YOU READY? ARE YOU READY FOR THIS “HIDDEN TRUTH”? You see God did reveal to me this INCREDIBE and “privileged” information even though He is not a “respecter of persons” He has found me worthy to attain this HIDDEN knowledge that “not even the angels of heaven” know!
In 2016 He showed me that after 7 years from hence on the LAST GREAT DAY of the Feast of Tabernacles which according to the Hebrew “Sacred” calendar would be around October 7th of 2023 His Son JESUS the Messiah would RETURN with GREAT power and GLORY! As you may be aware by now EVERYTHING in life is a “numbers game” and NUMEROLOGY plays an important role in Bible prophecy and God’s “PERFECT” timing after all. It just also happens that the year 2023 is a “7” year since 2+0+2+3= 7 and October of that very year happens to fall on the seventh month of the Hebrew “Sacred” calendar and that 7th day happens to be not just a “HIGH” Sabbath day but a “weekly” Sabbath as well! So How About that? AMAZING and ASTONISHING isn’t it?
4 Reasons Why Christ is Coming this Year of 2023!
1. First and foremost, the Prophecy concerning Israel's Third Temple will be fulfilled now in 2023. The Long-awaited and much-anticipated Third Temple has been restrained due to the Dome of The Rock that now adorns the Temple site. However, according to Bible prophecy, that "abomination" will be removed in its 1,335th year. Daniel foresaw this in his wondrous vision. He learned when the Dome of the Rock would be set up, and he learned when it would be removed.
2. Secondly, therefore, 2023 will be the year that the Anti-Christ (the Pope of Rome) makes his "Covenant" securing the Temple site. As everyone knows, the Muslims now own the Temple site and are not about to give it up. Especially to Israel. And especially for the purpose of a Third Temple! However, once again, according to Daniel's prophecy, the Anti-Christ will arrange through the Jesuits the covenant giving the Temple site back to Israel for the purpose of building the Third Temple. Quite an amazing feat for one man. But he is no ordinary man, and God has prophesied it to be so.
3. Third, and quite horribly, the prophesied One-World Religion is established in 2023. No one will be able to buy or sell without the Mark of the Beast. The Anti-Christ (Pope Francis) will take away the livelihood and the life of all that resist his end-time caliphate. The "Man of Peace" will not be very peaceful to those that oppose him.
4. Fourth, 2023 brings the TWO WITNESSES on the scene who will preach and prophesy in the streets of Jerusalem for exactly 1,260 days. They will warn men to repent and trust Christ. They will have the ability to breath fire out upon those that oppose them. Their time of service will end abruptly, and their dead bodies will litter the streets of the city three and a half days. No one will lift a finger to bury them. But suddenly they will rise from the dead and stand on their feet. This will be witnessed by millions around the world. They will be taken up to Heaven and their enemies will think the two witnesses LOST. But, Wrong. The next 1,260 days are going to be horrific, as wrath and destruction come upon the Earth. Their death and resurrection signal the second half of the Tribulation period.
The Tribulation period lasts exactly 2,520 days, (divided in halves of 1,260 days each) during which time all the plagues of the Revelation are fulfilled. Keep in mind that the GREAT Tribulation is really on "ongoing event" that really began in 2020 with the COVID-19 Pandemic!
The PROPHETIC sequence of events according to Matthew, Mark and Luke are right on TRACK! Sometime this year we shall see "the abomination of desolation" "And when ye shall see Jerusalem compassed with armies, then know that the desolation thereof is nigh." (Luke, 21:20) That means "World War 3" and a very possible nuclear confrontation will take place! Notice: "For then shall be GREAT tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be" (Matthew, 24:21) Then false christs shall arise and will show up showing GREAT signs and wonders! Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened (we just had a recent Solar Eclipse), and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars (fallen angels) shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens (the same fallen angels) shall be shaken (as in trembling): And then (in 2023) shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall ALL the tribes (or nations) of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with POWER and GREAT glory." Matt, 24:29-30.
To Be Continued...
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