The Hidden ROI of Your Book
While it’s true that a book can give you credibility that nothing else offers, your return on investment goes much further. If you’re looking for a way to drive the growth of your business, enter the world of professional speaking or create opportunities to spread your influence, look no further than writing your own book.
I’ve often heard a business book referred to as “a five dollar business card” but what does that mean? The purpose of a business card is to be given away, in the hope that someone who needs your services at some point in the future will be able to contact you. The truth is, most business cards will be buried amongst a slew of other cards or, in today’s world, scanned and forgotten.
But when you give away a copy of your book, it does much more. First, it provides valuable information on your subject, which automatically increases your credibility. When the person is in the market for someone who provides your services, they are much more likely to contact the person who wrote a book on the subject than the owners of all those business cards. Business cards are thrown away all the time, but most people wouldn’t throw away a book.
Executives who have written books are often in demand for paid speaking engagements, speaking at industry events where they will gain even more exposure, which might in turn lead to consulting opportunities or media appearances. Your book positions you as a go-to authority in your field.
If your book provides readers with unique insights and perspectives, you may also begin to be seen as a thought leader, which enhances your professional brand and opens door to opportunities you may never have considered possible.
Finally, as I’ve mentioned in other issues of Authorship for Executives, if you are approaching retirement age and are ready to hand over the reins of your company to another cadre of leaders, your book is a way of both sharing your wisdom and cementing your position in the company’s history. Your book can safeguard your business legacy.
Writing a book is an investment, but when used to advantage, it offers long-term rewards beyond simple branding.
Happy writing!
I have a few spots open to coach authors who want to write their book themselves but need some support as well as some poking and prodding. If that’s you, drop me a line at [email protected] and let’s have a no-obligation chat about how I might help. You CAN write your book in 2025—let me help you do it!