The Hidden Power of Ego: Transform It from Enemy to Ally!
Rashad Zairov
Strategic & Analytical Solutions | Product Manager, Scrum Master, Business Analyst & Digital Strategist | Passionate About Teamwork ??
If we explain what it means to be egoistic, it is when a person sees themselves as superior to others in any field and derives a sense of pleasure from this feeling. As your personal ego grows, you constantly desire more. The more egoistic, that is, the more superior you feel, the more it directly reflects on your surroundings and, most importantly, your behavior. These behaviors distance you from other people. The worst part is that due to this distancing, people do not dare to say certain things to you, and you continue to feed your ego until you wake up to realize that much of your life has been wasted. Some never gain this awareness and live and die alone.
However, in reality, we humans are social beings programmed for development together. With this egoism you practice on yourself, you build a wall against personal development coming from outside. It’s like playing football in a 100-meter stadium by yourself, running back and forth for your own sake, with no one watching from the stands. By making yourself open to criticism, you can foster your own development. A 100-meter field is meant for playing football with two teams of 11 players (11 minds working towards a common goal). Your brain is the same as those minds. You don’t have to play football, but if you share your mind with others, you will see personal development as a reciprocal outcome. Most importantly, you will maintain a constantly vigorous mood.
Unfortunately, a large part of the population does not gain this awareness. The abundance of such people greatly hinders the overall increase in awareness. Egos constantly clash with each other, turning this into the normal way of life for practical-minded people.
In light of all this, it can be said that although we are collectively focused on acting together, individually, ego is a state of our consciousness. In reality, people see all our behaviors collectively and in a single way. From this "frame," we can see a person’s mindset working through their ego as the same as their conscious state. Initially, this is instinctive for many people (a function the brain creates to protect itself from external influences). This is more common in people who did not have a healthy childhood with their parents (most of the world’s population). Because someone without this awareness cannot logically pass it on to their child, neither genetically nor virtually. Therefore, realizing and working on one’s ego is not easy. The reason is that you are constantly exposed to this behavior daily by the majority of society. But this doesn’t mean we shouldn’t be exposed to it.
Anyway, ego is not necessarily a bad thing. It exists instinctively and interacts directly with all our actions. This means that ego is a reality of human beings. The issue here is to change the "frame" so that the ego doesn’t control you, but you control the ego. Control it because our status (the image we create in the eyes of others) is related to the state we show to others. That is directly related to our ego. These shape our external state, our reality. The external state is constantly connected to the internal state. How you are within yourself is how you are to others.
After such detailed, deep analysis, you might wonder how we can know what to do with this ego. The answer is simple. Everything is about maintaining balance. Here the question arises: how do I maintain balance? That’s also very simple.
In this state, your ego will reveal itself when necessary and not when it’s not. Of course, there will be plenty of people around who try to crush you with their egos. But actually, as long as you are confident, this is an additional opportunity for you. In such a situation, you give the necessary answer with your intelligence, and if the other person is intelligent, you make them question something within themselves. If the person cannot think, there is no point in continuing the conversation with them: end the conversation and walk away. No need to harm your own psychology. We are all responsible only for our own thoughts, and our capacity is limited to changing only our perspectives.
Of course, this whole process doesn’t happen all at once. The main thing is to understand yourself and the situation, to change and develop something. From the moment you understand this and get yourself out of this area, you start to see changes anyway. The great thing is that you enjoy the process. You start to experience life for real. As the days pass, you see how much better you understand life and everything in general. Most importantly, you feel you are living life.
By taking control of your ego, you finally find real happiness in both your external and internal life.
Just as a game played on the field is interesting, attracting more spectators, you can gain this attention at least around yourself. Depending on yourself, you can even achieve it on a global level. Generally, every person is good at something and can discover it. The point is to bring yourself to the state where you can make this discovery. That’s what this article is really about.
Be the person who controls their ego, not the one controlled by it.
Eqonun Gizli Gücü: Onu Dü?m?nd?n Mütt?fiq? ?evirin!
Egoist olma??n n? dem?k oldu?unu izah ets?k, bu, bir insan?n ?zünü dig?r insanlardan üstün g?rm?si v? bu hissd?n z?vq almas?d?r. ??xsi egonuz artd?qca, siz daima daha ?oxunu ist?yirsiniz. Daha egoist, y?ni daha üstün hiss etdikc?, bu, ?traf?n?za v? ?n ?sas? davran??lar?n?za birba?a t?sir edir. Bu davran??lar sizi dig?r insanlardan uzaqla?d?r?r. ?n pis t?r?fi is?, bu uzaqla?ma s?b?bind?n insanlar siz? mü?yy?n ?eyl?r s?yl?m?kd?n ??kinir v? siz egonuzu yeml?m?y? davam edirsiniz, ta ki h?yat?n?z?n ?ox hiss?sinin bo?a getdiyini ba?a dü??n? q?d?r. B?zil?ri bu f?rqind?liyi he? vaxt qazanm?r, t?k 'ya?ay?r" v? t?k ?lür.
Amma reall?qda biz insanlar sosial varl?qlar?q v? birlikd? inki?af etm?y? proqramlanm???q. ?zünüzd? t?tbiq etdiyiniz bu egoizm il? xaricd?n g?l?n ??xsi inki?af?n qar??s?na divar ??kirsiniz. Bu, 100 metrlik stadionda t?kba??na futbol oynama?a b?nz?yir; ?z- ?zünüz? oyan-buyana qa??rs?n?z, he? tribunadan baxan da yoxdur. ?zünüzü t?nqid? a?araq ??xsi inki?af?n?za s?b?b ola bil?rsiniz. 100 metrlik meydan iki komandadan ibar?t futbol oyunu ü?ün n?z?rd? tutulub (?n sad? izahla 11 beyin ortaq m?qs?d u?runda i?l?yir). Sizin beyniniz d? h?min beyinl?r kimidir. Futbol oynama?a ehtiyac yoxdur, amma beyninizi ba?qalar? il? payla?san?z, ??xsi inki?af? qar??l?ql? n?tic? olaraq g?r?c?ksiniz. ?n ?sas?, daimi gümrah bir ruh hal?nda olacaqs?n?z.
T??ssüf ki, ?halinin b?yük bir hiss?si bu f?rqind?liyi qazanmam?? insanlardan ibar?tdir. Bel? insanlar?n ?oxlu?u ümumi f?rqind?liyin artmas?n? ?ng?ll?yir. Egolar daimi olaraq bir-biril? toqqu?ur v? bu, praktiki dü?ünc?li insanlar ü?ün normal h?yat t?rzin? ?evrilir.
Bütün bunlar? n?z?r? alaraq, dey? bil?rik ki, biz kollektiv olaraq birlikd? f?aliyy?t? fokuslanm?? olsaq da, f?rdi olaraq ego ?üurumuzun bir v?ziyy?tidir. Reall?qda insanlar bütün davran??lar?m?z? kollektiv olaraq yaln?z bir ??r?iv?d?n g?rürl?r. Bu "??r?iv?d?n," bir insan?n ego vasit?sil? i?l?y?n dü?ünc? t?rzini ?üurlu v?ziyy?ti il? eyni olaraq q?bul ed? bil?rik. Bu, ?ks?r insanlar ü?ün instinktivdir (beynin ?zünü xarici t?sirl?rd?n qorumaq ü?ün yaratd??? bir funksiyad?r). Bu, sa?lam bir u?aql?q ke?irm?y?n insanlarda daha güclü i?l?yir (dünyan?n ?halisinin ?ks?riyy?ti). ?ünki bu f?rqind?liy? malik olmayan biri bunu n? genetik, n? d? virtual olaraq ?z u?a??na ?tür? bilm?z. Buna g?r?, egonun f?rqin? varmaq v? üz?rind? i?l?m?k asan deyil. S?b?bi budur ki, siz günd?lik olaraq c?miyy?tin ?ks?riyy?tind?n bu davran??a m?ruz qal?rs?n?z. Amma bu, buna m?ruz qalmamal?y?q dem?k deyil.
N? olursa olsun, ego pis bir ?ey deyil. O instinktiv olaraq m?vcuddur v? bütün h?r?k?tl?rimizl? birba?a ?laq?lidir. Bu, egonun insan?n reall??? oldu?una i?ar? edir. Buradak? m?s?l? "??r?iv?ni" d?yi?m?kdir ki, ego sizi idar? etm?sin, siz egonu idar? ed?siniz. ?dar? edin, ?ünki statusumuz (ba?qalar?n?n g?zünd? yaratd???m?z imic) dig?r insanlara g?st?rdiyimiz v?ziyy?timizl? ba?l?d?r. Bu da birba?a egomuzla ?laq?dard?r. Bunlar bizim xarici hal?m?z?, reall???m?z? t??kil edir. Xarici hal is? daxili hal il? anbaan qar??l?ql? ?laq?d?dir. Daxilind? nec?s?ns?, xaric? d? el?s?n.
Bel? detall? v? d?rin t?hlild?n sonra, indi bu ego il? n?yi nec? el?m?li oldu?umuzu hardan bil?k? Cavab sad?dir. H?r ?ey balans? qorumaqdan ke?ir. Burada sual yaran?r: balans? nec? qoruyum? Bu da ?ox sad?dir.
Bu v?ziyy?td?, ego laz?m olduqda ortaya ??x?r v? laz?m olmad?qda yox olur. ?lb?tt?, ?trafda sizi egolar? il? ?zm?y? ?al??an ?oxlu insanlar olacaq. Amma ?slind?, ?zünüz? güv?ndiyiniz müdd?td? bu sizin ü?ün ?lav? bir ?ansd?r. Bel? bir v?ziyy?t yarananda, ?z z?kan?zla laz?ml? cavab? verirsiniz v? ?g?r qar?? t?r?f dü?ün?n birisidirs?, onu ?zünd? n?yis? sor?ulama?a m?cbur edirsiniz. Yox ?g?r insan dü?ün? bilmirs?, onunla s?hb?ti davam etdirm?yin m?nas? yoxdur: s?hb?ti bitirin v? uzaqla??n. ?z psixologiyan?z? z?d?l?m?y? ehtiyac yoxdur. Ham?m?z yaln?z ?z dü?ünc?l?rimizd?n m?suluq v? bizim qabiliyy?timiz yaln?z ?z perspektivl?rimizi d?yi?dirm?k il? m?hduddur.
?lb?tt?, bu bütün proses bir anda ba? vermir. ?sas odur ki, ?zünüzü v? v?ziyy?ti anlayas?n?z, bir ?eyl?ri d?yi?dir?siniz v? inki?af etdir?siniz. Bunu ba?a dü?düyünüz v? bu sah?d?n ??xd???n?z andan etibar?n, d?yi?iklikl?ri g?rm?y? ba?lay?rs?n?z. ?n g?z?l t?r?fi budur ki, prosesd?n z?vq al?rs?n?z. H?yat? real ??kild? ya?ama?a ba?lay?rs?n?z. Günl?r ke?dikc?, h?yat? v? h?r ?eyi daha yax?? ba?a dü?düyünüzü g?rürsünüz. ?n ?sas?, h?yat? ya?ad???n?z? hiss edirsiniz.
Egonuzu idar? ed?r?k, n?hay?t h?m xarici, h?m d? daxili h?yat?n?zda real xo?b?xtliyi tap?rs?n?z.
Nec?ki meydanda oynanan oyun bax?ml? oldu?u t?qdird?, daha ?ox izl?yici c?lb edir, siz d? bu diqq?ti ?n az?ndan ?traf?n?zdak? insanlardan qazana bil?rsiniz. H?tta ?zünüzd?n as?l? olaraq, bunu qlobal s?viyy?d? d? ?ld? ed? bil?rsiniz. ümumiyy?tl?, h?r insan hans?sa sah?d? yax??d?r v? bunu k??f ed? bil?r. ?sas m?s?l?, ?zünüzü bu k??fi ed? bil?c?k v?ziyy?t? g?tirm?kdir. ?slind? el? bu yaz?n?n m?qs?did? budur.
Egonuzu idar? ed?n insan olun, egonuzun sizi idar? etdiyi deyil.
Regulatory Reporting Specialist at HSBC | Consultant at FDM | Asset Servicing | Securities Operations
4 个月Good point!