The Hidden Power Behind Our Desires: Why You Need Goals
Photo by Steven Lelham on Unsplash

The Hidden Power Behind Our Desires: Why You Need Goals

Setting goals is definitely on the top of things that you have to do in order to get your life on track and be successful. It’s a topic that is well written about. I could go on Amazon right now and find hundreds of books that talk about goals and their importance.

This is going to be a little bit of an introduction as far as goals, my take on goals and what we at Kale Houser Leadership do to help our clients work through goals and figure that aspect of it out if they haven’t already.

We all have a fundamental understanding from a young age that goals are important. We may not understand the term goals as far as how that applies to ourselves, but we certainly understand the concept.

If you are overwhelmed by the term goals, you don’t know how to write goals, there are these things that you have to make sure you incorporate to create the best goals possible. They have to be specific, measurable and achievable.

Eventually, all these books are just variations of the same thing. They are targets that apply to specific areas of your life or your business. They are just targets. That’s all.

It’s important for these goals to be specific and achievable, with some points of reference to guide you towards success.

Without goals, we are really just aimless. We are wandering out there, we have no idea where we are going, let alone why we are going in this direction.

If you don’t have a goal you are specifically working towards, you are going to fall and get pulled off by anything. I would argue this is how people wake up one day after they have just been “living in the moment”, and they are miserable.

If you don’t stand for something, you are going to fall for anything. Goals get you out of being reactionary.

Whether you want it or not, having financial goals is mandatory. Things cost money, doing business costs money. Living, traveling, and sending kids to college all cost money.

Maybe that’s working backwards. If your goal is to buy that $500,000 dream house, you can work back from that. What do I need to do? How many things do I need to sell? What’s the financial goal that I need to do to make that happen?

Of course, other types of goals are important too. For example, as a Christian, I get involved in our church so we can serve our community.

Those are what I would consider spiritual goals that may look different for you and only really you can answer that, but I would encourage you to absolutely not ignore that aspect of it.

Recreational and social goals are also very important. You cannot just work and work without ever taking a break. Maybe for you, this is travel, going to see the Great Wall of China.

Lastly, physical goals. I think we all understand that waking up massively obese and overweight is not healthy. It is not good for your long-term health. I’m not saying we all have to be Spartan race running, but you do need to have some sort of physical goal in place.

Another important point to make sure to be constantly making progress is asking yourself: “How scary are my goals?”

Are they actually doing something to spur action in you or are they just to have a comfortable retirement, have enough money in your 401K to pay the property taxes on your house and not starve?

I would encourage you to get out of that mentality of “my goal is to lose two pounds”. That’s a start, but that’s not the goal. That’s the beginning. That’s how you get on the path to reaching the goal.

Start thinking through this process and what goals will mean for your life, how to change your life with your goals and measure that success.

Let me know if you have audacious goals. I’d love to hear about them because I think it’s just fascinating what motivates different people and what gets them going and inspired by their goals.

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