Robot Wars, BBC



And the birth of neuro-terrorism WWIII

What a sinister move.

To hide. What are the implications? For you ? For life itself. For many of you, the massive comfort offered by my complete honesty and transparency was taken away. It showed you, on many levels…that the open book had a secret chapter. Penned in invisible ink. A caveat to the very air that you walk on and will continue too. Giggling like a mentalist while I brutally tickle you at some point. In all likelihood our only actual interaction. You know better though, don’t you? That was until, of course, you were faced with not knowing absolutely every nook and cranny of the man that which should have your petals thrown at his feet.?




Spoilt and ungrateful.?


Aren’t you??


You cunt.?


In 2019. When I first started to engage…immortals. One thing that stood out was they were worried they woul burn. For their actions. You live forever and then you start worrying about burning for it. Among my more famous actions was guaranteeing that I would burn with anyone that was burning…unfairly. I’m pretty sure the only way to be burnt fairly (they think its like sunburn lol….”see, Josh this is burning” No thats pleasant. Thats a pleasant tingle.” ) is to purposefully set about ending a world, destroying everyone with the merely the will to destroy as a driver, for your own selfish? motivations.?


Now , they take that perfectly good nature….as carte blanche to be as evil as possible thereby negating in the very definition the protection they enjoy from their only unreasonable (at the time) fear.?


Well, now its real. Im attaching gasoline to woodchippers.


I found out recently I am not the only one to have saved the world. I knew from early that my grandad (lol) had…in his all too convenient Holiday to Hawaii where all manner of jap hell was descending upon the free world. Luckily, at the levels short of defeat, on home soil, the attack was instrumental in forcing America to declare war with Nazi Germany and therefore giving Europe a chance at life, despite not deserving its, really. What date did that happen on? December 11th.?


…..Kyoto agreement? (Climate treaty among nato members)



UMMMMMMMMMMMMM. The birth of the dollar? China joining world trade organisation??




I will need more than 3 people (the worst possible 3, by my estimation, sometimes with an exception…they faded) to congratulate me annually, for this. Mrheh, annual.?


Mike Skinner.?


I always felt a strange vibe around the man and he gives me useful insight into how others may see me, especially as their actions, subversive, so often disrupt my rosey view of basic decency.?


I believe he has also saved the free world, something bio-terranical, olympics shaped and a bit too effective is probably as much as I want to know. Thus he gets about 10 bags a day to do whatever he wants with and he bowls round being unreasonably tall. Too tall.?


Upon finding this out I noted my complete lack of gratitude. Separate obviously to how I actually feel but stalk in its reciprocated familiarity and, who knows, maybe for the best. When could you stop being grateful? Its mental, plus we world saviours are only ever really trying to save our own lives, yours are a non-executive bonus, a nice to have. Not a must. Not by a long shot. But, also I cant let myself down by allowing myself to think I let myself down by letting you down at any point, so that can come across a bit mental to you, in line with my lofty view on who I had to be considering I had fucked the perfect life, the perfect tap in when I absolutely couldn’t and then just also fucked everything I cared about while at it. Now, Im settling with the idea the proving ground of my true post-heroic nature, has already happened, and all you saps know it as well.?


What was I writing about? Again? HIDING..AHHH!!! Wait ,.,.,,,,I don’t hide anything?! And what if I did? I could shit on your doorstep daily and you’d frankly have to thank me for the honour. How would it change your perception of my message? As glaringly obvious as it is, it is also, precious…sacred and virtually non existent. STILL.


What about if you found out the one thing that I hid was that when I was a kid….no I told you about gay club didn’t I , I wrote an article amidst our dumb acceptance of a society leaning toward or gay or “weird” (queer, they can all fuck off) prevalence, for fuck sake! WWIII is a war on culture. It is our culture that saves or condemns us. Are you worth living?


When I was a kid, I…..can you really punish someone for their actions as a child?




Isn’t it the parents fault?


Yes. Punish them too.?


When I was a kid I built a robot.?


Not just any robot, of course (oh no?) ….. no, a robot designed to go to war and destroy all in its path.?


In reality I got about as far as sellotaping a ruler on top of an RC car but. “Shit? Thats fucked up?! Right?”? Well, Ron actually…no, you mug stop drawing a diagram….actually nevermind. Robot wars. A fallacy in themself, still a massive lure for me as a kid. As adults it lures more often the perverted but I was ready to stop the drought of kids on Robot Wars. So you can be rest assured I wasn’t just some demented Sid of a kid trying to hurt things…I did burn most of my toys in the woods though. Not due to abundance either, I was desperate for them. For more. Not these ones though…theses ones are rubbish, old. Start with feet….*click*? My first vice.?


Unfortunately, given the BCI attack of, some gimps, which BTW ive just proven and pulled free from its eary crevice. Thought I was deaf in one ear for a few days, for enjoying my own music too passionately and often. What if its genuinely the abso…doesn’t matter enjoy a bubbly deafness forever for you masturbatory mozartistry.?


Classic spirit with x amount of backing from some sufficiently established wanker who enjoys the suffering and loss of others as a remedy to their own. A bit like the love of your life, dying, then you just watch until…sorry that may be a bit too close to the bone. Especially, for my demographics. Apparently , quite mass shooty! Or mall shooty, hospital shooty, this shocks me and would be lied into me if not the case, but remember ….Columbine deserved it and an awful lot of dodgy gesticulators lost specific fingers in the Boston Marathon bombing.?


I however, would NEVER… well it would take a fucking extreme circumstance, so I’m not advocating the use of deadly force but nor am I ignoring its effectiveness. Especially as we are at war. Predominantly, via our culture and to what extent it is accepting or tolerant of certain obviously destructive behaviours.?


Sweet, effective deadly force. Part and parcel with making sure you wierdos stay in your awful little bodies so I can remove your skin if you threaten anyone elses, on my watch.?


This is, World War III.?


Officially, ive just pulled pearl harbour out of my brain and now, its on.?


You cannot deny it. I will kill and or section you.?


And when I say I….


There are already 150 million dead people.?


Ive killed 6 million jews and I wasn’t even targeting them (honest)?


Anti semitism. Lol?


DO ANY JEWS ACTUALLY FEEL ATTACKED? FIND ME A JEW, WHO. FEELS ANTI SEMITTEN and I will eat my…whats those, weird little skull caps….mrhe Ill eat one of those!?








More bollocks. To distract us, from the war for our own existence. Temporary, not permanent. Like the world cup or herpes every few years it will flare up (worst case) and make us appreciate the days clear all the more.?


This is war, And now you are all being dragged into it as a matter of principle.?


Here I am once again a very needy Churchill and chug chug please help rescue us from this bastard, cos he’ll likely pop an apple in my mouth instead of my much deserv-ed gilded cage. Impossible, no, sure of course….Luckily, Japan. And December 11th.?


And ….


ring ring….”Dwiiiiiiiiggggggghhhhht “?


Can you imagine to what extent your excitement threshold is shot to shit in aerial combat in Hawaii. Paradise. Blue Skys. Flame. Smoke the odd shrieking streak of red from a jap in a suicidally ready, the jap writing on the engine….his family trinkets and engrained propaganda driving him to his obvious demise, a foregone conclusion. Most of all genuine existential threat. Mental. We can all enjoy that Kruger rush so do.? appearing from nowhere and …. The thing with mortal combat is, its hard to beat. So best to avoid. At least the memory of it. Mrhe.?


And now, you don’t even have to be uncomfortable about my one, dark secret. Slitting the throat of the existential paradise, you pisstakingly see before you, the only real labours there in sure to be entirely undertaken by everyone else for your benefit.?


What did people do? I’m not sure they heard what It was that I had hidden as the artistry is fairly obvious within, not to say it isn’t true and it is only an understanding of our world, way of life and culture that make this recession from confession anything but the most terrifying and sinister fact of all time.?


How to break an immortal?







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