The hidden impact of Aflatoxins on our health
by Wollis Vas

The hidden impact of Aflatoxins on our health

Aflatoxins are toxic compounds produced by certain strains of the fungi Aspergillus flavus and Aspergillus parasiticus. These fungi can grow on various crops, including corn, peanuts, and tree nuts, and produce aflatoxins under warm and humid conditions. Aflatoxins are highly toxic and have been linked to various severe health problems in humans and animals, including liver cancer, immune system suppression, and developmental disorders.

One of the main dangers of aflatoxins is their ability to cause liver cancer. The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has classified aflatoxins as a group 1 carcinogen, meaning that there is sufficient evidence to conclude that they cause cancer in humans. Several studies have shown that exposure to aflatoxins increases the risk of liver cancer, particularly in areas where the diet is high in contaminated foods.

In addition to their cancer-causing properties, aflatoxins can also impair the immune system and interfere with the body's ability to fight off infections, leading to an increased risk of illness and death, particularly in young children and people with compromised immune systems.

Aflatoxins can also have adverse effects on fetal and child development. In-utero exposure to aflatoxins has been linked to reduced birth weight and impaired cognitive development in children.

Food safety agencies and regulatory bodies, such as the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), regularly test foods for aflatoxin contamination and set limits on the levels of aflatoxins that are allowed in food. We at Camtech have taken the simplicity of a lateral flow assay and combined it with an easy-to-use, cost-effective reader to provide quick, on-site measurements of Aflatoxins in several source materials. For more information, please visit:




