Hidden Heroes
Mila Kunych
Director of studies at Green Academy Australia, mentor teacher and IELTS coach ?? one-on-one consultations for English teachers who want to transition into adult exam prep ??
The other day my nine-year-old daughter was carelessly singing a song allotted by her music teacher for a school concert. The refrain asserted confidently that ‘we – the children – are would-be sportsmen, top models, and businessmen’. What struck me the most was how neatly the song reflected a distorted system of values in my country. In my view, it is high time we started glorifying our hidden heroes, for example, health professionals, such as Yevgeny Komarovsky.
Born in eastern Ukraine, Komarovsky began his medical career from the grassroots as an everyday paediatrician. His hands-on experience provided a solid basis for the book ‘Your Child’s Health’ which appeared just in time to fill an appalling gap in parents’ childcare and medical knowledge. Soon afterwards, the success of the book led to a popular TV show ‘Doctor Komarovsky’s school’. Provided that Ukrainian health care has been seriously underfunded, Komarovsky has put in hard graft edifying non-specialists, converting professional jargon into plain language.
Another point worth noting is that having gained a certain amount of authority, the doctor extended his influence over other fields of social life. Rarely do you see such genuine effort made to enhance fathers’ contribution to the family. Traditionally, Ukrainian dads have taken second place preferring to keep themselves aloof from child upbringing, to say the least.
Currently, Komarovsky sheds light on complex medical issues via his video blog. With an inexhaustible supply of jokes and his astuteness, he tries to dispel any fears at this dramatic moment when people are so worked up due to the maelstrom of coronavirus. I would liken the figure of Komarovsky to the intellectuals of the Enlightenment with his compassionate humanism, healthy scepticism, and deep sincerity.
I heartily agree with those who advocate the idea of redeeming our social priorities and according more respect to doctors, teachers, and other humble heroes.
A timely article, Людмила Кунич!?Ukrainian doctors and teachers have been undervalued much too long. It's a shame, and we're dealing with the consequences. Those who stayed are doing a huge favor to their ungrateful country. Komarovsky is a national hero, humanist, educator, professional. As long as such people exist, there's hope for all of us. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XKMJGT8pHwo