The "hidden" Dangers of Yoga
Fausto Maria Bonifacio
Psicologo Clinico - Docente universitario di scienze della performance - Rendo le persone forti a livello fisico, vitale, emotivo e mentale grazie alla Meditazione e allo Yoga.
When thinking about meditation and yoga, images of serenity, inner peace, and wellness often come to mind. However, there exists a "dark side" to these practices that is seldom discussed. In this article, we will explore some of the dangers associated with meditation and yoga, highlighting how certain positions and techniques could pose health risks.
A common image associated with yoga is the lotus position, or Padmasana, accompanied by the Gyan mudra, where the thumb and index finger touch. This position is often depicted online as a symbol of tranquility and enlightenment. However, Padmasana and the Gyan mudra can excessively stimulate the "higher centers" of the energetic system, promoting out-of-body experiences at the expense of the "lower centers" and grounding. This is not a trivial matter.
The lack of contact with the ground leads to muscle weakness, atrophy, and physical frailty. These positions facilitate out-of-body experiences and consciousness expansion but come at a too high cost. Practitioners of this ascetic style of yoga often "forget" materiality and frequently make foolish and extreme choices. These are positions that make you mystical.
These poses PADMASA are particularly problematic in an era where physical strength and willpower are necessary and vital for facing daily challenges.
Moreover, the Gyan mudra, with the thumb and index finger touching, further accentuates the stimulation of Padmasana's "higher centers" at the expense of grounding. This emphasis on the higher energy centers can make people feel spaced out. Particularly if done with eyes closed.
Asceticism is a term often associated with these practices, since the lotus position and the Gyan mudra are designed for ascetics in a context very different from our own. Yet, if you google yoga, 90% of the images are of Padmasana.
The lotus position is essentially an ascetic posture and has nothing to do with the modern world.
In an era where willpower and grounding are essential for facing daily challenges, asceticism may not be the best choice for everyone unless you want to live secluded in a forest eating berries.
Muscular atrophy from yoga and a poverty consciousness from excessive mysticism are among the most widespread yogic syndromes along with hypersexual behavior and other syndromes from premature activation of the kundalini typical of kundalini yoga.
It is important to note that yoga is not a single practice, but a vast set of traditions and styles. Some forms of yoga, like martial arts, work in a more balanced and harmonious way on the "higher" and "lower" centers for a constant and sustainable enhancement of energy.
Finally, it should be emphasized that our article aims to encourage yoga, but it should be practiced mindfully, not randomly. It is certainly important that practitioners and teachers be aware of the potential risks and consequences of their choices.
For those who wish to delve further into this topic, we recommend reading the book “Hidden Dangers of Meditation and Yoga†by Master del Pe, an expert in the field. A book that offers a truly deep understanding of the topic. I found it wonderful.
In conclusion, meditation and yoga can bring significant benefits, but it is important to be aware of the potential risks and the choices we make in the practice of these disciplines. Awareness and balance are essential to ensure complete well-being.
Yoga can indeed make you very strong, but it must be done correctly.
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