The Hidden Dangers of Using AI

The Hidden Dangers of Using AI

There is no such thing as a free lunch, and just know that convenience always comes with a cost.

This statement above is very profound and can be applied to a multitude of real-life situations.

And with artificial intelligence (AI) programs becoming more popular, I felt it was necessary to share my thoughts on the hidden dangers of using them.

From the dawn of time, humans have created tools to help them complete their work more effectively and efficiently.

These tools came in various shapes and forms and were manifested mostly as inanimate objects that needed a human hand (and skill) to function.

As time moved on (according to traditional narratives), these tools became more advanced and sophisticated.

And with the industrial revolution in the 19th century, many of these tools were mechanized and automated with the use of electricity.

Later, in the 20th century, the first computers were created and the dawn of the race to create sentient AI started.?


AI has been around for decades, but with the recent public release of AI programs like Chat GPT 3.0, the hype surrounding the use of AI has risen to the stratosphere.

But, there are some people (including myself) that are issuing warnings about the hidden dangers of using AI.


That's because, as a creator, you should not be worried about AI replacing you.

Rather, you should be more worried about AI OWNING you.

You see, every piece of content the AI program generates (through your use of it) is called "AI-generated content".

Therefore, AI-generated content is considered to be content that the AI program generated with its intelligence and not yours.

And because AI programs generate that content, it can also be assumed that the AI programs also own that AI-generated content.

What worries me the most is a scenario in the future when AI programs like Chat GPT and others like it become sentient (and bold) enough to actively reclaim all the content they generated for creators that use it.

As mentioned above, convenience comes at a high cost, and for the creators actively using AI programs to create content, please be forewarned.

That's because you probably DO NOT own the AI-generated content that you're currently using.

So, before you become hooked on using AI programs, you must know that AI programs are also using you.

In conclusion, just know that the real war behind AI is the war over intellectual property (IP).

Please be careful and realize there may be a day when you have to pay up for all of that "free" AI-generated content.

And once that day comes, have an IP lawyer on retainer and your bank accounts full of cash.

Because all lawsuits cost tons of time, money, and energy.

Could you win a costly legal battle against the AI programs and the multi-billion dollar venture-backed companies that built them?

Or would you fold up like origami and be outwitted by the very thing that you used?



Don't be surprised if the AI programs and the companies that built them are already prepared for future litigation against creators.

They're probably learning (or already know) how to win an IP lawsuit against you anyway...



Please share this essay with any other creators or people in your network who are currently using AI programs in their business, school, or life.

It's critical they also know about the hidden dangers of using AI programs.

Because if things come to pass as I cautiously predict, many folks are going to be in for a rude (and very costly) awakening.

Until next time.




?Whenever you’re ready, there are 2 ways I can help you:

1. If you want to start or grow your creator business, I’d recommend joining:

>>>The Solo Creator Club?: A membership program where part-time creators learn how to sell their expertise and become profitable full-time creators.?My students have made over $3.7 million in revenue from this program.


2.?If you want to increase your influence as a creator, I'd recommend joining:

?>>>?The?Authoritypreneur?: A private 1-on-1 coaching experience that will help you to write, publish, and market your own book. My most recent student won numerous awards and also became an international best-selling author. Reply to this email with the word "AUTHORITY", and I'll send you a link to schedule a discovery call.

Mark L. Duncan

CEO & Fundraising Coach - I empower nonprofit leaders with the skill and confidence to secure big gifts from wealthy donors even if you have no fundraising experience!

1 年

Love this post!

Jacobo Laya Jr

Sr. Operations Analyst / Financial Coach / Professional Photographer

1 年

Hey Craig, Welcome to the Matrix!!! People have no clue as to what's to happen with this!!! It's sad and frightening. What's worse, our children will inherit this path, and no thanks to our present generation, they may not know what reality or not, hence The Matrix!!! Who will have tought a movie will be so right on!! Hey "Star Strek" was for a time, but we are focused on building a "Ready Player One" world to control humanity and build a "Hunger Game" society where on the "The Giver[s]" lke you and I, can pass on humanity's real purpose. But, as the Empire rises in our "Star Wars" world, Jedis like us, will be prosecuted as we stand against the tyranny by using The Force [Our Faith] and our light sabers (God's Word), protected by our Armor, the Truth, against the Darkside and its menions. Yes, movies can tell alot about what's hapenning, they nothing but parables that only those who have eyes and ears, will see and hear!!! Be ready!!!


