The Hidden Cost Of Binary Thinking
Binary thinking is simplifying the world into only two choices, and unfortunately, it affects us all. It seems to be human nature to divide the world and our experience into two predetermined and very set categories. When we step back, of course no one thinks that it’s possible for everything to exist in these extremes - so why is it so common to think this way?
Binary thinking makes the world feel safe.
Within the binary, choices are right or wrong, people are good or bad, and ideas are true or false. There’s a clear plan that will unfold in a straight line and if we follow it, everything will be ok. Except...the world doesn’t work that way at all.
Binary thinking is deadly to an entrepreneur. If binary choices are like only being able to turn 90° to the right or left, imagine trying to reach a target that’s off to the diagonal through dense woods, down a curvy road, over some hills, and inside the house of a wizard that you have to charm over tea. You’ll never get there.
Success is always a mess. In reality, you can only make grey choices that involve risk, trade-offs, pros and cons, and hopefully, move you vaguely in the direction of where you want to go.
Binary thinking is a glue trap for entrepreneurs because it’s easy. It takes far less energy to navigate a world that has been reduced to two dimensions and there is already too much on your plate. However, the cost of the binary is too high. I’ve seen leaders lose their top talent, the deal that could have cemented their success, and ideas that could have reshaped their entire industry.
If you only see your employees through a lens of performing well or not performing, ideas as good or bad, or deals as in writing or not a deal at all - you’re in danger.
It’s time to break the bad habit of binary thinking.
Try something new, take a class, start a new hobby. Shift your everyday lived experience by engaging with new people and different perspectives. Practice being an open listener, cultivate empathy and curiosity, and take time to sit with uncertainty as you make decisions.
Open your mind and set your course by your end goal and your values, not an immediate right or left. There are more possibilities for you than you can imagine.