HIDDEN Changes to Sales Navigator

HIDDEN Changes to Sales Navigator

In March 2019, LinkedIn enhanced the Sales Navigator Advanced Search and few have noticed. The updates cater a bit to the nerdy (like me), but they will help average users simplify things as well.

The biggest opportunity in these updates, in my opinion, is with searching on the (Job) Title field. Sales Navigator has a nifty shortcut where users can simply type in job titles and pick them from a pop up list. It’s very useful for quick and simple lookups.

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Pick several if you like and they appear in separate blue bars below a title that says “Included”.

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Hover over either blue bar and notice a new CIRCLE icon appear.

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Click on it to change from Included (qualified) to Excluded (disqualified) and watch it turn RED.

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“Excludes” with Boolean Phrases vs Words

This is where the advanced among us use phrases to get exactly what we want in terms of “qualifying” job titles. Things have changed with this big/little enhancement in Sales Navigator. Visit the Boolean Review later in this post to lean more about how it works.

LinkedIn Boolean commands and phrases use a series of OR, AND, NOT, "quotes" and ( ) to essentially filter teb search results. It's a form or programming and it just got simpler.

You can now have a list of titles you want (includes) and a separate list titles you don't want (excludes). This makes it a lot easier for everyone to create Boolean phrases on their own. Use a Google Doc or Word file to write and store these Boolean phrase templates.

Included Phrase

You might use AND, OR, “quotes”, brackets in any combination. Remove the NOT commands you might have previously used in this situation.

(VP OR Director) AND (sales or marketing OR “business development”)

Excluded Phrase

This is where it is different from elsewhere. You simply list words or phrases to exclude, each separated by OR commands. Notice the NOT commands are gone.

Manager OR Assistant OR Retired OR “account executive”

Simple Copy/Paste Process

In the Sales Navigator Advanced Search screen, find the Title field near the middle of the page.

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Copy/paste the Included and Excluded Phrases into the Title box.

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Above, BOTH phrases qualify and they ADD to one another. This is not what we want when we are talking about Excluded lists, but Read On.

To create an Excluded phrase, you must first paste the text in as Included then convert it to Excluded by hovering over the Included phrase and clicking on the CIRCLE ICON.

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This makes it an Excluded phrase and turns it RED.

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NOTE - You can’t edit these here, you can only type them in or copy/paste so, to make changes, delete the phrase by clicking on the “x” and repeat the copy/paste process with updated text from the original source.

Boolean Review

Boolean is a simple programming technique that goes back to “8th grade set theory”. You have seen this in some way, shape or form. “Is the ball Red OR Blue?” vs “Is the ball Red AND Blue?”

The AND’s and OR’s are just the start of it, but this is NOT the end of it (pun intended as you will see later). You must use ALL CAPS with the AND, OR and NOT, but it does not matter for the words and phrases themselves.

OR Commands

This is how you create a lots of qualifying words - as many as you like in a list of OR’s.

VP OR Director

The list gets bigger with each “OR _________”.

AND Commands

This makes the list smaller as it requires the “stuff on the left” AND the “stuff on the right” in order to qualify.

VP AND Sales

Individual words are simple, but word phrases (2 or more words) like “Vice President”, require quotes around them. LinkedIn makes some mappings for you like VP and “Vice President”.

NOT Commands

To remove people with specific words or phrases, use a NOT command.

NOT Manager

Refining Even More

It gets even more fancy with brackets that let you get very precise. It’s from basic algebra.

(VP OR Director) AND (sales OR marketing) NOT Manager

You might have dozens of words or phrases in a sophisticated boolean “phrase”.


This new Includes/Excludes Sales Navigator capabilities will help you fine tune your searches even better to find new, more qualified prospects and reduce unnecessary time spent on others.

Experiment with this and see how it works in your particular environment. This is new so expect some quirks, bugs and changes along the way.

Let me know if this helps with a Like, Comment or Share.

#SalesNavigator #SocialSelling #LinkedIn #LinkedInTraining


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