Creating a Plan for Attracting More Wealthy Clients
Mark Satterfield
Specialists in the art of marketing to the affluent and high-net-worth clients
I’m a believer in plans. ?? They make me feel more in control and (at least for me) reduce the stress that’s associated with any new venture.
Marian and I will make plans for when we travel. We’ve discovered that a completely unstructured trip leads to a lot of aimlessly wandering around, which can be fun in small doses, but gets old if that’s all you do.
I make plans so that I can (hopefully) live a very long and active life.??? I research supplements and exercises that change over time as I get older and my fitness goals change.
I also make plans for my business. At this stage in my career my focus is on creating new products that might benefit my community, introducing a personal coaching program and I’m playing around with the idea of starting my 10th book.??????
There are a lot of things you can plan on doing as it pertains to attracting more wealthy clients.
But here’s the one thing I think you should really focus on.
?? ???What will really move the needle is if you become a recognized expert in your field. (Remember that’s one of the 3 groups the affluent will do business with.)
When I look at my most successful clients over the years, the one thing they had in common was that they achieved a certain level of “celebrity” in their particularly niche.
This is true whether they were selling to other individuals or to institutions.?
I encourage you in your planning to focus on becoming the well known expert.
As a first step there are a series of questions you need to answer. For those of you who have my book I urge you to complete the exercise in chapter 1.4.?
?? For those of you who don’t, you can get a copy HERE???
Continued success-Mark