The Hidden art of framing question for positive Conditioning of mind!

To get 100% Control on almost everything you want in life
To get 100% Control on almost everything you want in life 

My introduction to NLP or Neuro linguistic programming was accidental but the day I realized it I keep thinking that why its not been taught in schools, while we spend huge amount of money and energy on our kids to give them best of health and education , we don’t teach them basic of how to deal with life. If I ask how many of you are suffering from stress, relationship issues, financial issues, health issue I think list would be close to 100% and how much we are dependent on others for healing again I think it would be close to 100% , so basically we are not taught the basic of dealing with the life. While neither I am that much qualified nor I can give everything even what I know in this small article I will share few tips that might ignite your interest in NLP and ways to learns techniques to deal with life but before that we need to understand the principal on which these techniques work:-

1.     Everything is energy, your life is out come of your thoughts, your mind and body has power to attract anything from universe, be cautious about what you think , if you have conflict in what is right and what brain is choosing to think, forcefully choose right and fake it till you make it, its natural.

2.     What is the purpose of life? what kind of life one should live? While these questions are very basic, but I am sure moment you close your eyes and ask yourself about your own life chances are you would have all confusing answers in life. My deep desire to find answer to these questions help me figure out that we should live a happy and meaning life where happiness should not be dependent on any external parameters and meaningful should have food for following three elements of human life: -

1.     Body: Your body just need food water and sunlight 

2.     Mind: Safety, security and pleasure

3.     Soul: Contribution in others life

Time to double check your life dreams, plans that you have made provision for all three elements while 1st is easy and natural, 2nd is confusing and trap 3rd is the way towards bliss and success driver for 1st and 2nd.

3. Being positive, hopeful and progressive is the only way of progress: Most of us loose hope or stop thinking positive for various reasons, because our brain chooses pleasure over pain, anything other than above make you dull, lazy and inactive , The day your creator is done with you, your heart beats will stop itself , so till the time its beating you have no other choice but to be positive, progressive and hopeful for a better tomorrow.

Now 3 steps which you can apply in all domains of your life to start your journey of living a happy and meaningful life: -


Believe that whatever you wanted in life has already happen and start acting like that moment you know what you want, post validating it on above principles of life.

Step 2.

Create positive question of all important domains of your life and ask your mind to give you answer to your question only nothing else ….yes it’s your mind order him and believe me every humans mind has capability to deliver magic, some examples are as following:-

1.     How can I become young, energetic and can have an awesome body?

2.     How can I generate more money?

3.     How can I have awesome relationships?

4.     How can I become famous and respected in society?

Moment you will ask these questions you mind will start throwing you magical options, choose best option start your journey, start progressing while believing you have already achieved it.

Step 3

Ask your rational mind to take it easy, tell him while you are turning each page of hidden mystery of human mind you will have all the answers soon, keep calm and keep believing that you have already achieved everything you want and more and more bliss and abundance in every front of your life is coming daily in your life.

I wish that if I can help each one of you to start your own journey towards abundance of knowledge , health , happiness, relationship and money , I am thankful to my gurus, mentor coaches, Ashwani Wadhwa, Rajiv Talreja, Shailey Bhatnagar, Manoj Gorkha who have given direction to my life towards infinite bliss and abundance.



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