The Hidden Arrogance: Are We Leading with Humility?
Dr. Mariam Ketait
Ventures & Innovation | Aerospace Xelerated, Boeing | Leadership development Executive
We often judge assertiveness in others, but true introspection reveals the subtle line between confidence and arrogance. It's not about the words; it's about our inner voice. As leaders, are we unconsciously driven by a sense of superiority, masked as ethics, knowledge, or even care?
We all can fall victim to this blind spot. Recognizing this vulnerability allows us to lead with genuine humility and openness to learn. This fosters a collaborative and inclusive environment, where everyone thrives.
So, how can we cultivate humility in leadership?
By prioritizing humility and kindness, we build stronger relationships, create a positive work environment, and ultimately become more effective leaders.
What are your experiences with leaders who embody humility? Share your thoughts and stories in the comments!
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7 个月It becomes worst when it turns to harassment or discrimination and racism Always realize the bubbles and the boundaries they keep and respect those of others otherwise even with humility intact one will need to act in a manner of self preservation Even conflict of interests can blind the best of professionals into mistaking conviction and clarity to arrogance The angle of vision does take its toll