Hi Oprah-Will You rather Run with River That Drives Desire or Patiently Run with the  Voice That Says 'Go & Win'?gbemi tijani mst endorses your Prayer
oprah winfrey yahoo video portal 2822018 midnite cropping by gbemi tijani mst

Hi Oprah-Will You rather Run with River That Drives Desire or Patiently Run with the Voice That Says 'Go & Win'?gbemi tijani mst endorses your Prayer

GREETINGS TO ALL AMERICAS,world evangelists & condolences on The Legendary televangelist ,BILLY GRAHAM S passage to meet the Lord.

HI Oprah-Will you rather run with the river that drives desire Or Patiently run with the Voice that Says ‘Go &Win’? Gbemi Tijani MST endorses Your prayer approach, if at all You’ll run in 2020 

Dearly admired Oprah Winfrey

I saw and heard you in a video repeatedly played online yesterday showing your preparedness to run for American presidency –God willingly in 2020.I wish you all of the very best and hope you will definitely let us know if the Lord confirm it as you will have preferred.

Don’t be anxious if it’s confirmed –the power of belief is tremendous and if divinely rooted, it’s awesome and for Real!American missionary Dr Leslie Duewell,author of ‘Touch the World With Prayer’ writes Prayer can enable you to enter anywhere, home or courtroom or a surgeons theatre for a safe operation. A collarless pastor, Gbenga Aina,an offshore engineer, Guest Speaker at September 27,2017 MPO held at @Mauve 21 event Center Ibadan speaking to an ample audience of Very Busy Professionals mostly doctors and lawyers & CEOs frankly said that

‘You can have problem even if you have the skill or good money’. There are some situations which only prayer can dissolve or resolve. Knotty barriers to desired goals can be removed by a faithful prayer. The FGBMFI was founded by Demos Sacharian in the USA  following a series of prophetic messages for a vision of laymen & businessmen of all stripes and from all nations filled with the spirit used mightily by God & the prophesy has unfolded from 65 years ago till date beyond USA & 63 countries including Nigeria.

Congratulations on your hanging your running ,if ever, for President 2020 on the Confirmatory Voice of the Lord, Your God and not just on the muscle & marvel of the substantial campaign funding promised by friends and interested turn-ons on your candidacy .You re wise by not declaring spontaneously to run in response to the financial cushioning you re assured by these inclusive allies worth reckoning with to show that the American populace also want you and all about the running isn’t only your fantasy .Noting that you’re on the side of the Lord and I hope most of these boosters  also congruously love the Lord, you won’t regret every dollar spent or donated on this gargantuan voyage to the White House if you wait on the Lord s voice to go and run and to win and prepare to serve conscientiously with God s wisdom It should delight America if you recognize all opinions bearing development contents and your meetings should encourage fecund debate not toxic division. This calls for a meditated  prayer patience and as Kenneth Copeland said threading this pathway isn’t impossible with God .In one of his messages which I treasured since 19 years back when I was just building faith he said insofar you have the Word of God, God s thoughts ,you have the Holy Spirit to strengthen you .This already shows you  have the mind of Christ and you should change all negativities with your mouth.

You should then speak the word -DONE-continually even if you don’t feel like it and even if you just can’ t believe it at that moment .

Remember your weapons aren’t carnal.

Stay on top of your thoughts.

Annul any opposing spirit.

Get around other people who are full of faith. I love the positive spirit yet the wariness of the like of Gayle King .She s always candid in interpreting what’s and what’s not your perceptive & intention respectively.. Now at this stage of gestation of waiting for a Command to run or not to run-Don’t Rush God. Gayle and your boosters should be involved In maintaining a prayerful spirit from now till other agenda are kick started, All should be led by the same divine strategy to find path to thread your campaign successes.


 American Presidency, a most powerful political power on planet earth I hope your Joining this publicly acclaimed Running robustly emotionally &physically supported by your buddies, and many anonymous American people who like or love or revere your altruistic spirit lately evidenced by your substantial backing of The Florida Parkland Students March to The White House in March 2018.

More In the offing to popularize your history in motion –a movie in the making –A Wrinkle In Time will act out how a kind -acted significantly successful actress has conducted her life of six decades yet still mentally agile physically fit ,sugar sensible or fasting and still writing and still impacting productively across sectors and disciplines. Blessedly this will be a readily mobile bio-material, a cynosure to dream bigger by the larger citizens and younger womanhood than mere triumphing at subsistence levels.

Do you know a  personality like yours, a credible media mogul , a witty celebrity might drive others to aim higher than otherwise and see you as a fitting compass? This 21st century of ample opportunities compared to the earlier  70s need enabling milieu to develop capacities and talents but we also need morally LIVING actors, exponents and professional s of yielded spirit enough to serve at upper echelons of governance I all sectors .This will attract more of such viable future leaders who should have been oriented to live by decorum .Every society should guaranty peace and never again reecho or act anything akin to apartheid –God forbid In the soil whose freedom was collectively a dream of the founding fathers and actualized by many nations who share the same vision of unity in diversity.






 The society should be psycho-socially healthy .As the impact musician and activist ,Peter Tosh of blessed memory lyrically sang :  

‘Everyone is crying for peace

Nobody is crying for justice

                    ‘We don’t want no peace …

                      we want equal Rights & Justice..

                       I might need it ‘

 The gregarious 21stc deserves a peaceful milieu for all to function ,profess recreate and serve or fulfill purposes as at when due .All genders should be able to move freely even if the host city or state house or install surveillance camera. ALL Schools, churches and club houses should be maximally secured to encourage institutional education & training ,worship without fear of bombers or terrorists and same for the carousal spots like movie arenas ,shopping malls and night clubs where normally a lot unwind in the city after a day s hard work .The world needs credible and affable men & women In all sectors .We need men & women of integrity which can be shown by example or evident and much talked about by others even in their absences. I don’t think its ethical globally not to keep in check echelons that can’t live or thrive without harassment or discrimination of any sort no matter their level of wealth or position .We don’t want professional excellence without morals we want professionals whose character are beyond reproach and are role models for others. This is good for entrepreneurship development opportunities and an egalitarian bureaucracy and democracy and indeed al political and administrative systems culturally and efficiently known toy function across generations.

Do you also know that your ‘spoken word’ is like a broken egg and it could be more often than not meet anthropological needs than mere specific nutritional needs?  Your endearing, moving impact speech at the Golden Globe s Award is one such laden with aroma that wafted its flavor with Presidential ‘albumin’ yet to be prophetically analyzed by your prayers for the good of your popular call –now confirmed -not extraordinarily by your own propensities. The global audience that reads American dynamics in politics ,the more than 7 million tweeds sequel to the TV/Video show ,the enormous population of  millennia, many anonymous fans, special admirers and mentees  will be fired by the aura of performance in the larger public by you and your speeches such as the heavenly viral Cecil Award evoked .That s life for you and the world . 





The sky is the limit for your life and purpose yet to be fulfilled including this mutually soluble onus to reach out wider to serve Americans who will vote for your style ,your affability ,your brilliance, your boldness and unflinching stand for social justice beyond Americas and a needlessly written ideology of unbiased humanity compared to the developing world where all these are still pedestrian or have not been empathically grasped or politically acted properly .


If everything were perfect – these days of instant contact youth and allied neediest could have   reached  peers and destiny helpers beyond profanity by their accessible affordable functional mobile devices  If all is compassion –pro  preferred peer s and the high caliber stars they already have a confidence of revealing their dreams could have mentored without hassles or harrassment?

Sure -being spirit led -under your prophetically led presidency they will be inspired to carve out their own niche to become worthy if not as wealthy as you! Do you know -- you’re also teaching them the civic lesson of being politically aware,net-worthy and responsible -otherwise they will be summoned to docility just like that in the absence of resilient and well informed American citizen, Recy Taylor who was molested in 1944 on her way from a Church service in Alabama and the system wasn’t justifiably bitter enough to bring them to book appropriately..

I’ m not surprised the like of you has been singled out and invited to act in politics for a purpose of making life better for Americans and the world too is in need of enlightened leadership compassionate empathic enough –not necessarily based on preponderant help or alliance. It should not be based on pity.

Rather than warning you to stare clear of politics –except you decide otherwise tomorrow -based on revelation from the Holy Spirit ‘ s Voice I congratulate your conditional sojoun in Political Presidency subject only to Holy Spirit Confirmation that sees and knows the present the past and the future and I His Own transcendental ways it  may mean Go and Win which we will consider best especially if the Lord approves your running in 2020 and expecting you will be faultlessly faithful as Papa Abraham s un -staggered  faith in the bible.

Dearly beloved ‘2020 tentative Presidential Aspirant for American Presidency -

God willingly -Do you also know you will need a collective unbroken spiritual strengthening with prayers of ONE ACCORD with your boosters for the actualization of the call –that is ,if He sent You?

Do you also know why/how prayer works has also been scientifically proven? Nothing esoteric if the billionaires and American public also want you and on condition that the Lord has permitted you to run they should lend their credence with prayers not just money alone.

 Above all else Your Good Heart must be beating in rhythm with the word of God that ‘with God nothing shall be impossible,’Matt19;26

 & on the ONE Condition that You will not SHAKE nor waive your Faith,Ja1:4-7) That You will not Go -IF He Truly confirmed otherwise and you will graciously obey if He sent you to serve the American public

Here are more biblical catalysts to Run if He confirmed in the affirmative for you

Your Boosters Yearnings &


is amplified in the book of books, the Bible(1JN 5:14,15 )

To RUN Or Not To Run( & TACITLY Win in 2020 (Is 55:11)

 Unless you re superficial about going in to Prayers about this gigantic Opportunity To Serve and further prosper the world in spirit and American Political Leadership needing

 sustained OASIS of ideas at the helm of governance ...

You re not yet a President -elect nor already confirmed by the Lord with His Clear unmistakable VOICE -Go & Run

 so it s too early & unwise to probe your priorities of Impact that will make a delightful Difference For ALL within & beyond gender issues & making the world a Better Place & not glossing over the 41million Americans still wallowing in abject poverty. (Phil Aston ,UN Expert on deprivation actually toured to confirm this barely few months ago in 2017(Nyt & The Independent are bona fide sources.

  Dearly beloved 'Socio -Political Pastor –because pastor means caring -

-4RealHope2020 If You re confirmed by the Super natural Voice


Your Faith in the Lord (PSALM 28:7 ought to assure, embolden-insofar you ve got the surest support from the Super -natural . Then You can Go For it askance You ‘re a Candidate called by the Divine through your mortal friends, cues & worthy crowning & prophetic event @The Cecil .The Golden Globes Award most potent galvanizing speech has turned out to be a harmlessly hilarious centripetal force now trending as a god-sent sequel.

Glad for its spinning, fast tracking American psyche & politics afresh into the future from hugely fecund ecosystem.

Dearly admired Oprah Winfrey ,being a woman –who’ s phenomenal  as Maya Angelou will easily tag your agelessly functional anatomy & as Marlon Brando will have acceded to any positive move to improve Human &Child rights issues - your affirmative acting to people’s call for you to run for a worthy purpose

 –do you also know it becomes a reality by virtue of your brilliance & concerned media activism germane to human development contents over the years of boundless philanthropy?

How else could you have tackled perennial suffering & seemingly indefinite culpability -you know what’s on my mind? Along the way -IN YOUR CLOSET OF PRAYERS –ALSO  ask The Lord How You should Go About the Campaign having humbly jettisoned early propensity before now when you submit on Condition & On Purpose .Its gladdening –not Initially Your Will –you re publicly encouraged with media –evidence for posterity to see or watch. You Are Wary to consider running for American Presidency in 2020.No regret to weigh all pros & cons to run for such a global-eye tenure. Now that you have put all in the hands of the Lord by your affectionate prayers –hanging Your Trust in Him Almighty –your booster s in the USA and the whole world is expecting the Lord s instruction for you via His Voice. If He said ‘Yes.Go And Run ‘you should ACT your PART By not wavering your trust-laden faith.

If you hear well & clear –it’s Divine & You Will NOT GO WITHOUT a bountiful HARVEST.Amen & Amen @Bymst2bymst

Gbemi Tijani MST,phf


Gbemi Tijani MST,PHF

2008 Alumnus of World Harvest Institute of Christian Leadership

(A leadership Development Initiative)

Member fgbmfi

PP/Charter Treasurer,2006/07, RC Oluyole Estate,D9125,Member,ROTI

Convener;Posers For A Better World(August 2017,Writers Grace(March 2017

Convener:GTJMST Natural health info,Convener:Alliance4Visionary Justice

One world wrappers Group,2015,All-health Concern 2016

Civicconcern:before the' cookies crumble(457pm.12/217/gtjmst03/917

Regional Director(Southwest,Healthy Living Communications,Lagos

Life & Health Coach(Regd.Distributor ,AllianceGlobal Inc,

Aimworldtoday member(https://shop.aimworld.today/&tracking=58b11f757f2d5









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