Hi there!

Hi there!

With February in full-swing, let's take a look at some of the exciting things we've been up to, and what we've got planned in the coming weeks.

In this newsletter, we'll be sharing information about an upcoming event, some of our recent blog and social media posts, and key activities that have been taking place across Lexxic.

Read on for more information! ??

Upcoming Event

The Value of Neurodiversity in the Technology Industry

Join us for this discussion where panellists will be sharing their lived experiences and insights into the many benefits that neurodiversity can bring to the tech industry, and how organisations can support neurodivergent talent to thrive.

Click here to sign-up to this free panel discussion.

Neurodiversity Celebration Week events are now LIVE!

As the official partner of Neurodiversity Celebration Week, our team have been hard at work behind the scenes to support the launch of the 2024 events schedule.

With 24 events and over 80 speakers coming together throughout the week to discuss a variety of engaging neurodiversity topics, this year is set to be bigger than ever.

All of the events are free to attend, so check out the schedule by visiting the website below and sign-up to show your support for what is set to be an incredible week of celebrating different minds.

View the 2024 events schedule and sign up here.

Check out our BRAND-NEW guide on Empowering Neurodiversity in the Tech Industry

Did you know? 93% of UK businesses reported that there was a shortage of IT skills in the market.

By embracing neurodiversity, your organisation can help to bridge skills gaps & benefit from the unique strengths & talents many neurodivergent individuals possess, including:

?? Innovation

?? Attention to detail

? Problem-solving skills

?? Pattern recognition

Check out the guide to see how you can create working environments where neurodivergent talent can thrive.

Explore our Neurodiversity Audits

Find out how neuro-inclusive key areas of your organisation are, and what practical next steps you can take to create a workplace environment where neurodivergent talent can flourish with our Neurodiversity Audits.

Find out more about our range of audits today.

Check out our blog post

Check out this insightful article, exploring the intersectionality between neurodiversity and gender, and the factors that may play a role in diagnosing neurodifferences.

Click here to read the full blog.

Lexxic celebrates growth!

Earlier this month, Team Lexxic celebrated at their annual All Hands!

Under the theme of "Lexxic in Bloom", we got together to look back on the achievements, the change and growth that took place in 2023, and look ahead at the exciting plans for 2024.

As part of the event's festivities, we were thrilled to hear from guest speaker Alison Edgar MBE about embracing change, and we went on into the evening to spend time together and celebrate our Lexxilence Award winners.

Our mission is to inspire a world that supports and values the talents of neurodivergent minds, empowering individuals to be their best selves, and we look forward to continuing our work in this area throughout 2024.

See what we have been up to on social media

5 Top Tips on How to Foster Neuro-inclusion at Work

There are many ways in which organisations can foster inclusivity, & we've put together 5 top tips on where to start. Click here to check out our video with all of the tips.

To stay updated with even more updated and insights from Lexxic, follow us on social media!

If you would like to learn how we can support you, or you have any questions, please feel free to get in touch with our team today.


All the best,

Team Lexxic

