Hi, I Am A Writer

Hi, I Am A Writer

Everyday, I feel words dance across my mind. I taste the poetry that never leaves my lips, and I hear the whispers of a story behind every person I meet and every thing that I touch. Every. Single. Day. I am haunted by my words, but no one ever sees them. Not even me.

I have to wonder, “When did I get here? What kind of writer doesn’t even write?”. And some weeks ago, as I sat and thought about what could possibly be stopping me, I realised that it was me. All along, I was silencing myself with the doubts that I listened to more than my own voice — Who wants to read my ramblings? Who cares what I have to say? What if it’s all TERRIBLE?

Now, today, my words are louder than my doubt. Perhaps they have always been… I don’t know. What I do know is that today, I will find out who cares about what I have to say.

I feel a bit silly now that I’ve started because this came so naturally to me. My heart swells with pride as the words that danced in my mind are now dancing through my fingers and across the keyboard at a speed that only comes through love and familiarity. I was meant to write.

I don't know what my next article will be about, but there will be one. As I begin to put my work out there for the world to see, I hope that someone will be inspired to just start. Put your voice out there and let it find the ears that want to hear it.

So, now that I’ve reintroduced myself to myself, I will introduce myself to you. My name is Christina Johnson, and I am a writer.


