From the Editor
Some of our readers may not know that here at HG we started as a leadership development agency first with a particular penchant for contemporary models of adult learning, like action learning pioneered by the late Prof Reg Revans in the 1940’s.
This led to the launch one of our signature programs, Executive Learning Sets, over 30 years ago and it is still operating strongly today as a much loved program by leaders across Australia and New Zealand.
Why has it enjoyed such longevity you may ask?
Well quite simply, it creates a unique community of leaders who have always been committed to lifelong learning; learning from others, sharing their own wisdom and in doing so cumulatively growing their knowledge base together.
I cannot tell you then how honored we feel to partner with Te Kawa Mataaho, the Public Service Commission to recruit the Secretary for Education and Chief Executive for the Ministry of Education New Zealand. My colleague David Hughes is leading this assignment and shares his reflections in this month’s newsletter about this truly career defining role opportunity.
Health has also been a main stay of our work here at HG and on the other side of the Tasman we are about to go live with another meaningful career opportunity.?In the coming days, we will announce a strategic Senior Leadership position recruited in partnership with the Department of Premier and Cabinet Tasmania.
As always please enjoy great reading.
Until next time, mā te wā ?
Paul Ingle Chief Executive HG New Zealand & HG Australia
Featured Jobs
Chief Financial Officer
HardyGroup is delighted to partner with Canberra Health Services (CHS) to recruit their Chief Financial Officer.?The Chief Financial Officer (CFO) leads and manages the CFO division and provides strategic advice to the Chief Executive, Minister’s and Government to ensure financial reporting and budgeting activities meet organisational objectives.?The role is accountable for adhering to financial management frameworks, legislation, regulation, and policies.
Board Chair & Board Member
HardyGroup is delighted to partner with AusHealth??to recruit an experienced Chair and a Member are sought for the AusHeath Board to support medical, healthcare and scientific research in hospitals, medical research bodies and institutes across Australia.?AusHealth is focused on providing services, products, and consultation for researchers, workplaces, hospitals and healthcare.?
?General Manager of the Quality, Risk & Governance Unit.
HardyGroup is delighted to partner with Centacare to recruit their General Manager Quality Governance.? Centacare is seeking to appoint a General Manager of the Quality, Risk & Governance Unit. The unit will encompass all services identified above. Centacare’s size, scale and complexity requires a robust practice governance framework to assure a high level of continuous improvement, quality and accountability in the delivery of services.
Group Director Operations Hospital & Specialist Services
HG is delighted to lead the search for Group Director Operations Hospital and Specialist Services - Waitaha Canterbury | Te Tai o Poutini West Coast - Health New Zealand Te Whatu Ora. This role will provide leadership that builds high performing hospital and specialist service delivery systems that deliver on the expectations of Health New Zealand |Te Whatu Ora, the New Zealand Health Plan (Te Pae Tata) and the Pae Ora legislation.
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