HFY updates. September 24

HFY updates. September 24

Dear clients, partners, and candidates

It’s almost the end of October, but still we’d like to share September’s updates. September saw a lot of planning and boring tedious work, planning meetings for the coming weeks.

In September we’ve planned several events for the next few months till the end of the year. We already shared some of the results. Our plan was to visit PG Connect in Helsinki (добавить линку на пост) in October and SiGMA on Malta in November.

I would like to boast that September was the most financially successful month for the HFU in our two-year history, thanks to our courage to make some personnel changes in the team.

Incidentally, September was our birthday - two years since the company was founded. However, we did not have time to celebrate, so we did not even dedicate a special article to it. As I wrote above, all the team members are busy with the operational stuff.

Another of this month's major updates was our dive into working with our partners. In order to work with them, we need to redraft old documents and prepare new ones.


Autumn is a time for change and analysing your needs. Here is our next piece of advice:

Take action! Take a proactive approach - don't wait for problems to arise, analyse the signals in advance and take action, trying to show interest rather than fear. It's worth a try!

Look for interesting projects, learn and apply new knowledge, not only think but also take small steps forward. This is how you will begin to feel your worth and realise that there is always a choice. Yes, experiments take time and they may be wrong, but that is how adaptability and self-confidence are developed. This is how life changes!

Remember, at HireForYou.Pro we invest our time and energy to help you build meaningful projects worldwide. We want your product or technology to be a game-changer!

We provide comprehensive employee lifecycle services for IT product teams and fast-growing startups.

Subscribe to our LinkedIn page. We are always open to discussing your hiring challenges or hiring processes.

Mikita Herasimchyk, partner at hireforyou.pro

