Hey you?

Hey you?

As you mature, you will realize that many people only keep up with you because they want tot know about you, not necessarily because they care for your well being .You will find that people feed off the moments in your life only to hold comparisons between yourself and them or to discuss you elsewhere. Keep yourself to you, keep your circle small. Moreover no one can destroy nothing they know about.. Be selective about what you utter and how much of it you do. Not everyone holds your well- being in their best interests, not everyone will find happiness in your happiness. Of course we are humans and we thrive in seeing the other person at our mercy. C'mon heheh not everyone is your well wishes. Many a times you have compared yourself with your colleague at work, wondering what extra does he/she have. You are at a point of comparison and having a lot of I wish.. Lady, Gent, wake up from the I wish syndrome and better yourself, invest in yourself, be impactful to the system. Be a point of reference to people around. This thoughts are running into my mind after the just concluded @fanaka real Estate Sales Appraisals.. Yeah, sounds cliche, but yes. We are in half -year period and we -you need to re-evaluate yourself and do the mathing if they are truly mathing. So all in all, its never to late and still have time to achieve your goals and manifestations for this year -2023..

As you mature, you will find that being selective in your speech and your company is best for you. Choose you anytime, there is no crime in being Selfish. As King Promise has Sung in Terminator haha yeah terminator " I'm at a point in life if you understand me or not, misunderstand me or not, me I'm okay..I'm Okay..Dear It's that time to be okay.. As i conclude let me leave this reminder here to push you through this fabulous half -year

" As you expect great things from God, remember these three things; 1. Whether God gives you the desire of your heart or not, keep a grateful heart. 2. If there's a delay ,see it as an opportunity to grow in patience 3. If you cant understand things don't lose hope. God has a plan. ..''

  • Enjoy your time



