Hey there!! You are being led.
Amish Verma
FMCH* Maverick: Nourishing Bodies, Igniting Businesses, and Chasing Dreams Worldwide! *(Fast Moving Consumer Health)
Just bite this. Have you ever realized that when there are twists in circumstances that threaten to alter things around us, instead of we planning to choose a path that’s right for us we pick up the one that becomes top of the mind recall. Haven’t you experienced “The maddening Media Mania” pushing you in that direction?
How many times we introspect to take stock of the situation and make a conscious effort to actually think through and plan our actions as we want them to be and not what others lead us to? We get so overwhelmed by the rapidly changing environment that overshadows our ability to think through rationally affecting our emotional and physical wellbeing.
Let's address some of the factors that affect us a lot.
NEWS : How many times you have consciously picked up GOOD NEWS over the rest of the blabbering that doesn’t even concern you?
BINGE-WATCHING: Before the so called, BC (Before Corona) period, how many times you have downloaded a web series of your choice and could complete watching it in less than a week. Aren’t you doing that now just because you want to temporarily shift your attention away from the real things that matter to you? You know why this has started to rule over you mind because the next episode auto-plays. Think again....
SLEEPLESS NIGHTS: The routine has been disturbed, do you agree? Introspect. Is it because of the negativity around us because of few reasons listed above? Or is it because of your work-from-home routine which has extended your office hours beyond the stipulated time band of 9-5 pm. Well you are the best judge of it.
SOCIAL DISTANCING MAKING YOU MISS THAT HUG: Be it your family members or the friends. That is leading to more emotional trauma than ever imagined. May be it's leaving you with the ill-thought that we all have become untouchables. Pandemics are an especially demanding test because we are not just trying to protect people we know, but also people we do not know or even, possibly, care about. Just relax, this time is short lived.
NOT TAKING “One Day at a Time”: You know well that you can’t control the outside environment. However you are getting overwhelmed and ignoring the fact that this type of thinking is going to do nothing but wear you down, so please mind it. Fatigue is a great setup for depression and anxiety. How many times you have focused on the “here and now” that might help control one's emotions.
NOT TRYING PODCASTS instead of reckless video consumption that is putting strain on your eyes and sets in fatigue because of the blue light emitted by the screens, be it your television sets or hand held gadgets.
BINGE EATING: Are you consuming more than the body needs? I can help you relate this with a noun Snaccident – which is like consuming a full bag of chips at once in this lockdown period.
The above list is not exhaustive and varies from individual to individual but am sure might drive you in the direction that can do more harm than good.
You’re stuck at home, it sucks -- but how can you spin it forward? How can you do some of those resolutions you made in January? Just think about that and believe me you will have too many personal things to enjoy before opening of the lockdown takes away this opportune time of making you connect yourself with YOU.
Think about it and leave your thoughts in the comment section and make the best of the time in hand work positively for YOU.