Hey where's my FUN?
Denise Mortimer
Transformational Mentor and Consultant helping High Achievers hit their first 6 figures in their online business
I was born to have FUN.
Serious FUN.
But life had other plans for me.
And those other plans were to help others have fun
I do the deepest, darkest work with my clients so that they can elevate to a new sense of freedom and FUN.
Research shows that when we experience positive emotions, we are more open to creativity, our coping level is better, enables us to see the BIG picture, and makes us more magnetic for all the good things in life.
The problem is that when we have subconscious patterns, (which by nature, are uknown to us) we can be operating from low level emotions (see map of consciousness below) and we attract more of whatever we are emitting into the world.
This means that even amongst the HIGHEST performing individuals there is likely to be some subconscious clearing work that needs to be done.
Until and unless those old patterns are removed, they are going to keep showing up time and time again, and 'willpower' is only a temporary solution.
Most people will recognize left over negative emotions when they hit the proverbial 'wall' and can't get around it.
The good news is, this is all overcomable (there's a new word!) If you feel ready to move past your self imposed limits and into a whole new way of showing up, I'd love to invite you to a 90 minute Miracle Mindshift session.
I take high performers to even higher levels, and fast.
Just send me a message.