Hey Recruiter! Why Planning for 2020 Needs to Start Now

Hey Recruiter! Why Planning for 2020 Needs to Start Now

Can you believe that we are about to enter a new decade in a matter of weeks? The world of recruitment has certainly changed over the last ten years. 

In 2010 we were just coming out of a global recession, and the growth of the recruitment sector was ramping up. 

LinkedIn was around as was FB and Twitter; though they didn’t have the same impact as they do today on the recruiting process. 

As I write this at the start of November, Brexit is still up in the air, and across the pond, a new president could be in the offing next year. However, businesses are still growing - which means focused recruiters can ramp their billings to levels never seen before. 


Because you are switched on and ready to do what it takes, aren’t you? 

So, in today’s post, I’m going to give you a steer on some of the critical things to start nailing now, so you get ahead.  

Take Stock of Where You Are Now 

Fact: Many recruiters don’t do this, and it’s critical to the results you can achieve. 

A good friend of mine is planning to run the Boston Marathon in April next year, and she is certainly up for it. However, if she just rocked up on April 20th with no prep, I doubt she would even finish! 

So, we sat down together and did an inventory of her ‘present state’. Why? Because she needed a plan of what to do. 

Though she walked to work every day, with respect, this didn’t mean she could run 26 miles plus.  

She needed to factor in how she would get her base mileage up every week, plan in long runs, and handle her gym sessions to build strength. Then how would she manage the speed work and nutrition; and this was only scratching the surface. 

See where this is heading? 

So, let’s talk about you taking stock. 

What did you bill this year and what worked for you and what didn’t? Where are your skill gaps? 

Yep, to get great at billing you must learn and practice the skills of high billers. 

I can’t stress this enough. In recruitment “winging it” is never an option. Ever.  

Knowledge is power. 

Which means if you’re about to talk to a candidate about a role, if you’re about to explain how you can help a client manage their recruitment process, if you’re about to do anything involving the future and good health of YOUR commission, then you need to be as knowledgeable as possible about every possible variable.  

Set Your Goals 

Goal setting often gets a bad rap, though the truth is that if you don’t know where you are heading,  it’s going to be hard to achieve anything. 

Successful people are driven by targets, and therefore setting goals is so important. 

There are two types I recommend 

1. Macro Goals 

2. Micro Goals  

Macro Goals 

These include the more significant picture parts of your life. Some people refer to these as: 

1. Wealth 

2. Health  

3. Happiness 

They are all connected by the way.  

If you want to be focused on wealth, it’s got to bring you joy. 

And to be driven to hit your financial goals, you have got to be in charge of your health. 

For today’s blog, let’s look at wealth. 

You’ll know your commission structures so if you want to double your income (which is more than possible by the way), it’s easier to predict than most people realise. 

This is where micro-goals come in.  

Micro Goals 

Something that has served me well over the years is to plan in 90-day cycles. 

What do I want to hit in 90 days and then plan back from this over each working day? 

The great thing about working in recruitment is that we know our numbers. 

1. Numbers of CVs out 

2. Number of 1st and 2nd interviews 

3. What makes a great job versus one to walk away from 

This data then predicts the number of placements we make. 

So, the simplest way I have found is to start with the end in mind. In other words, have your big goal and then break that down into smaller goals and actions that will ensure your big goal gets achieved. 

Let me give you an example. 

To make the maths easier, let’s assume you make 14 placements a year and a stretch goal for you would be to increase that to 28. In other words, an increase of nearly 100%. If that is going to happen, you would need to deliver more inputs. 

Make sense? 

Here is how this might work out. 

Let’s say every 20 calls you make you can get an appointment to see a new client, and that you convert half of these, who then give you a minimum of one placement, it is easy to work back and set a goal.  

Stay with me here: so 40 calls will equal one client for you with one placement. Assuming you or your resourcer always fill a placement we now know that you need to make 40 x7 calls to get your 7 additional placements. 

In other words, 280 additional calls;  so that could be a specific smaller goal to set.  

Break that down over ten months, and you will get a sense of how the big billers make it look so easy. They know their numbers and take consistent action. 

It’s all down to making a plan that relates to what you want to do and then taking massive action. 

And here is the thing - many recruiters can’t be bothered which leaves an open playing field for you.  

Until next time, Cheryl 

P.S. Looking to build your 2020 commissions in a new recruitment company? Then call me on 020 3889 1670 


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