Hey Real Estate Agents: Are You Making These Instagram Mistakes?

Hey Real Estate Agents: Are You Making These Instagram Mistakes?

Are you frustrated with your Instagram growth? Feel like you're just spinning your wheels? Let’s talk about three common mistakes you might be making on Instagram

1) Treating Instagram Like It's Facebook.

Instagram is not Facebook. While both platforms share the same daddy, Mark Zuckerberg, the content needed for Instagram is completely different. Think of it like Carrabba's and Outback. They may be owned by the same parent company, but you wouldn't walk into Carrabba's and order a bloomin' onion, right? No. Same with Instagram. You need to up your game! How? If only there was a coach to help...

2) Only Posting Real Estate Stuff.

If your Instagram page is filled with Just Listed, Just Sold, and Open House posts, it’s time for a change because that content JUST SUCKS. Yes, it's 'social proof' that you're 'doing your job,' but this type of content does not work on Instagram. It can be a small part of your content strategy, but it can't be the only thing you post. What should you post? Content that has value and makes people want to share it and tell others. Sound hard? Not really. The content is at your fingertips, and I can help you find it.

3) Thinking It’s the Same People from Facebook.

Yes, it could be the same people, but are you engaging with those who are following you? Are you having regular conversations with them, and do you know they're engaging with you on both Instagram and Facebook? The magic of Instagram is making content that will get you seen beyond your friends. If done correctly, your content gets shown to people who have an interest in your community and your content. Facebook is great for friends. Instagram is great for growing beyond your friends and getting fresh new business. Want to know how that works? I can help.

Starting June 11th, I’m launching my 6-week Instagram coaching sessions. Two sessions every Tuesday at 10 am or 4 pm Eastern, with replays available. You'll also get access to my private Facebook group just for my 'tutalees' (those who coach with me).

Sign Up For More Information

How much for all this education and fun? $600. That's $100 a week for a two-hour class, making my rate $50 an hour. I know I'm worth more than that, so it’s quite a bargain. Interested? I only open up classes a few times a year and take a limited number of agents from around the country in each session.

Bonus: You get FREE access to my bonus classes, like video editing and more.

Can't wait to help you transform your Instagram presence!

Best regards,

Sue "Pinky" Benson

Instagram: [Pinky Knows Naples](https://www.instagram.com/pinkyknowsnaples)


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