Hey Newbie, Here's the Thing About Starting Out
Photo Credit: Tim Mossholder

Hey Newbie, Here's the Thing About Starting Out

When you first start writing, your skin will crawl. It’ll crawl so bad you’ll feel like hiding under a rock.

What if people actually read this? What if they think it’s terrible? What if they judge me? Who am I to be telling people this and that?

It’s funny how those thoughts creep in, huh? You’ll feel like deleting everything and starting fresh every single time. But let me tell you something: every pro you admire started right where you are—unsure, nervous, and wondering if they were good enough.

Nobody is born knowing. And as much as you’re cringing at your own words now, a year from today, you’ll look back and be so proud of yourself.

The Learning is in the Doing

Here’s the truth: writing badly is part of the process. The awkwardness, the mistakes, and the self-doubt? That’s where the lessons begin.

Do it wrong. Do it badly. Be very, very bad at it. Because that’s where growth happens. As long as you keep your goal in mind, the noise of uncertainty will one day turn into a tune so powerful, no one will dare look away.

But for now, you’re at the starting line. That’s okay. What matters is this: find a way to make the hard part fun. Write through the cringe, through the fear, and through the self-doubt.

Consistency Beats Talent

Remember this: consistency will beat talent any day. Keep showing up. Keep writing. Learn from every word you put down and every piece of feedback you receive. Study your craft. Dive into what the greats knew that made their journeys worthwhile.

The pain of not knowing is a price you have to pay now. But if you hold onto your why and keep walking, the road will appear. One day, you’ll look back and realize it wasn’t about perfection—it was about starting. And you’ll be proud.

The Question Is, Where Will You Be?

It’s January 2025. The beginning of a brand-new year. The question is: what will you be saying when we cross into January 2026?

Will you look back and say, I wish I had started? Or will you say, I’m so proud of how far I’ve come?

Dear newbie, the choice is yours.

Start today and keep going!


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