Hey Leader! Learning how to win is a mentality and the time has never been better than for you to start NOW!
Ron Kardashian Executive Coach
We exist to make sure you succeed! Company ranked #1 for helping leaders hit consecutive life & career breakthroughs. We have helped leaders in over 150 industries. Free 15 min consult!
A Top sports?analyst this past weekend was assessing the Bay Area San Francisco 49ers team, as they were reminiscing about the days of old when Jerry Rice, the hall-of-famer, and Joe Montana, quite arguably one of the most accomplished quarterbacks in football history. He made a?prolific statement. "Learning how to win is a Mentality." I had to stop for a moment, take a note, and remind you that if you want to win, you must surround yourself with winners.... at the very least, you can?start?thinking and developing?one?today!?
Right thinking leads, eventually, to right living!
Achieving peak performance in life is a goal many aspire to, but only a select few reach. While talent and circumstances play a role, it's often the behavioral traits that set peak performers apart from the rest. Here are some key traits and areas that I?have personally helped people optimize. Ones that define the champions who consistently excel in various aspects of life, business, and personal health.?
1. Goal Clarity and Focus: Two words all my executives will say I make them memorized. "CLARIFY AND COMMUNICATE.... Clarify and Communicate." While we have replaced the word goals for achievements in our offices in Silicon Valley. Our Peak performers have a clear vision of their goals and achieve them. It's where we start day 1. They set specific, measurable, and achievable objectives and maintain an unwavering focus on them. This clarity helps them stay on course even when faced with distractions or obstacles.?
2. Resilience: My 25-year friend, and now Board advisor,?Retired Military Command Sergent Major, William Mayfield told me the other day. "Resilience Coach!!...is the ability to bounce back from setbacks. It's the key fundamental in what makes the difference between?good and great. Learn emotional resilence. Resolute steadfastness is what I call it. ( And boy, am I still learning it).?Peak Performers?understand that failure is a natural part of the journey, and they view it as an opportunity to learn and grow. They persevere through challenges with determination and a positive attitude and know when to ask for HELP! (Aha moment.)
3. Time Management: ?Big one for all of us! Yet, effective time management is crucial for peak performers. They prioritize tasks, delegate when necessary, and use their time efficiently. This allows them to accomplish more in less time and maintain a healthy work-life balance. This one inner discipline is important if you are a family man or woman. Prioritizing values with our MVV (Mission, Vision, Values) program creates and interal value system. Making you feel more valuable, a key player in internal self-confidence and self-esteem.
4. Continuous Learning: Famous Proverb: " A wise person learns from another person's mistakes, but only a fool learns from themself." Peak performers never stop learning. They have a growth mindset and are open to acquiring new skills and knowledge with a mid to high level of coachability. I say mid to high level because we assess so many people in our offices with mid scores in this trait, and once they begin, they are off to the races like someone who scores a 10 in the behavior trait. This commitment to personal and professional development keeps them at the top of their game ALL THE TIME. It's a mentality?embedded even when they lose.
5. Discipline: From the root word: Disciple. What are you a disciple of? Life, Career, Faith, a hobby. What have you embedded in your DNA that you committed to? Because discipline is the bridge between thoughts and accomplishments. ?Peak performers have a strong sense of self-discipline, allowing them to stick to their routines, make sacrifices, and stay committed to their goals, even when it's challenging. It's embedded into their subconscious. An area that can be trained and developed. An area that is much easier to develop than one thinks in just a matter of a few seconds per day.?
I have 10 of these! But for the sake of time, here are the first 5 you can start using?NOW!
Question: When was the last time you invested in making yourself a better version of yourself? Taking time to make you better, makes everyone around you better.?
To your Success,
Coach Ron Kardashian CEO?| Chief Executive Advisor |?Executive Coach
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