Hey Law Enforcement...Pay Attention To This Case
Here is an article that was published on December 12, 2024 regarding a Providence, Rhode Island Police sergeant being implicated in nephew’s fentanyl drug operation.
I would recommend that all law enforcement and, I would argue, legal professionals (ie. public defenders) and court employees who handle criminal cases pay attention to this case. The very interesting part of the case to watch is whether or not this police officer is convicted, disciplined, or exonerated based on how the court interprets his involvement or not as a “knowing or unwitting participant”.
Within the U.S. Department of Justice Criminal Resource Manual, 910. Knowingly and Willfully states the following interesting points:
On a separate note, there is a wealth of information and numerous links on the U.S. Department of Justice Archives webpage on various organizations and programs.
I have not read all of the details of the case involving the arrest of the Providence police officer as it is a developing story, case as the story is recent. However, as with other cases involving corruption, there are important parallels that will be drawn from this case as it will apply to future cases given the similarities. It will be interesting to see if this case makes it to the U.S. Supreme Case given that it could become a “Keystone” case setting precedent for generations to come.
I can relate to this case in particular because over the last two years I have been provided ample documentation and/or evidence that would easily justify criminal charge, however, because the Cayuga County District Attorney’s Office and corrupt legal system has no intention on prosecuting, Cayuga County Law Enforcement is being placed in the exact same situation as the Providence Police Officer.
When my time comes in federal court, and it will, I will absolutely be making the case for charges to be brough against any law enforcement, court clerks or other court employees, as well as any other New York State employees who have been receiving the reports that I have filing and continue to fail to follow through with their paid job responsibilities because they know the domino effect of charges that will result if they take the ACTION they are being paid to do. As such, I am in complete agreement that these individuals also do in fact bear some accountability both criminally and certainly civilly.
I can and will make a very strong argument that had law enforcement essentially carried out the responsibilities for they are being paid to do, then my personal and professional nightmare would not have dragged on for the two years it has so far. I would not have been enduring this pain and suffering through their ongoing defamation of my character, unethical legal gymnastics purposefully intended to cause additional stress on me due to my health conditions, preventing me from obtaining any gainful employment by this continual juggling of court appearances…some virtual, some in-person, some scheduled to be in-person until I get back to New York State and then it gets rescheduled, and the incredible amount of money it has cost be living in hotels for almost one and a half years because of all of this. Then I look at all of the time and effort I have spent and that has been wasted on preparing documents for my lawyers that either never get uploaded into the NYS e-Court System as my paid attorneys were supposed to do…or more than likely, the webpage that shows the “410 GONE This document is no longer available for retrieval.” Its kind of hard to have any kind of defense or way of presenting evidence when none of the information is even getting into the court system. Personally, this accountability includes law enforcement as well as any court clerk and other court employee who had any knowledge of what was going on and never spoke up or reported the situation. There is no doubt this pattern of culpability will rear it’s head once the Class Action Lawsuit Against Cayuga County commences in relation to the ongoing violations of my constitutional and civil rights and liberties due to the corruption within Cayuga County, NY.
I will easily be able to provide names, dates of communications, documentation, timelines, etc. to whatever state or federal law enforcement officials that are interested. A few law enforcement agencies that I have spoken to provided various information, documentation, evidence, and submitted reports to include:
Another option is to just investigate Cayuga County, NY for yourself.
Freedom of Information Law (FOIL) webpage from Cayuga County for those who may want to know more about the asbestos issue and why just two years earlier the contractor they hired for renovations...somehow overlooked the "vermiculite" issue...or not...
Here is the Freedom of Information Law (FOIL) webpage from Cayuga County, NY.
Here is the Freedom of Information Law Request (pdf) for Cayuga County, NY.
Here are a few tips for dealing with law enforcement and for filing police reports. While I am still dealing with the effects of corruption within the Cayuga County government and legal system, I still have continued to follow this process as this will make it much easier for a successful prosecution once a federal prosecution begins. These are some tips that facilitate quick and efficient report or article writing as well for the current situation or future use. This list is not all inclusive, however, is a good place to start.
Tips For Filing Reports
Please note, despite the fact I have traveled to 23 countries and lived and worked overseas in a number of different countries, I am experiencing one of the worse-cases of corruption that I have personally witnessed. I have been and continue and have been subjected to a level of grotesque abuse and harassment that a Netflix producer would be drooling over for the publishing rights. The ongoing and blatant violations of my constitutional and civil rights and liberties due to the corruption within Cayuga County, NY is becoming nothing short of a Saturday Night Live skit. Despite this fact, I am still putting forth the time and effort to get this situation documented and will continue following the processes that are still available to me.
To all of the Young Professionals and Community Activists out there…do not let what happens to me stop you from continuing the march forward and to make a difference. It’s your future and as long as the type of corruption that is present within Cayuga County, NY is allowed to continue…that corrupt government and legal professionals will determine your future. Take your future back and report the abusers.
Here are additional thoughts on this case...feel free to add comments as I predict this could be a watershed case.Here is another case study to consider: If a corrupt judge issues a court order, based on verifiable false and misleading information and by offering a false instrument for filing, then wouldn't it also make sense that any law enforcement officer who arrests and individual or serves them another court document or order of protection based on this verifiable information...that the law enforcement officer was aware of...should the law enforcement officer bear some responsibility or accountability even if it was just for the purposes of a civil law suit?Using the same line of reasoning, I could also argue that court clerks and other administrative staff, including legal professional assistants...also should bear some responsibility or accountability even if it was just for the purposes of a civil law suit? This would be in instances where these employees were provided knowledge of illegal activity or documents used in court filings...why should they not be held accountable too?To me, this case is at one of the cores of corruption. When the ring leaders get everyone else caught up in blackmail material and they won't report due to incriminating themselves, then they get away with what they are doing when the innocent people who have knowledge, but are not directly involved, don't report for fear of getting into trouble. In my opinion, I am hopeful there will be changes in the laws or least better enforcement when people who know these illegal activities are occurring in legal and court proceedings...they should be treated as part of the organized crime ring and corruption for not doing due diligence for reporting. If I had a real smart lawyer, I think a pretty strong argument could also be made against these corrupt judges, directors and managers who are directly involved in the corruption...should also be held liable under the OSHA (or PESH if you are in NYS) "General Duty Clause"...for creating an unsafe work environment.Food for thought....Have a great day! ??
This article can also be found on the Substack Newsletter: "Hey Law Enforcement...Pay Attention To This Case".
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