Hey Joe Maybe it is Time to Go!

Hey Joe Maybe it is Time to Go!


To:??????President Joseph Biden

From:??Concerned Americans

Re:??????Wake Up Man!??Change your ways or cut your losses and vacate

Dear Mr. President,

Respectfully yet truthfully. . .?after watching how you and Kamala have handled your first 15 months in office, we the people are concerned with national security and more.??Current world events and assessment of your administration by most, conveys a bad feeling of an ever-present threat of ?world war.??

After watching a very weak and unmoving SOTU speech the only thing apparent to common folk was that you really enjoy undeserved adulation and applause.???Schumer almost pulled a back muscle being off script;?Nancy almost lost her dentures with all the shifting;?and Kamala was fixed on lip sinking all your mistakes—very entertaining.???

Why Mr. President are you impervious to protecting our borders in addition to supporting social causes that are far to the left destroying all that is good about America???You embrace an attitude of energy dependence from outside the U.S.A.????

Rather than take responsibility for anything you consistently blame the previous administration for everything including COVID.?As a career public ?servant from law enforcement, I learned blame spreading is indicative of lying.??

Contrary to your promise you continue dividing our people politically, socially and morally and you’re bringing your own party to a point of near extinction.???As a world leader your Catholicism has great responsibility in the eyes of the church.?Yet you are unconcerned with the rights of new life—why???Add yet another nail of hypocrisy to the Biden masquerade.???

In case you forgot on May 25th, 2021 you Blinken blessed allowing American Embassy’s around the world to fly BLM (a proven Marxist anti-American organization) flags.??Knowing that the majority of Americans are repulsed by BLM, Antifa and the Progressive Left--but it mattered not.??Have you no conscience for America??

As to taking credit for our Capitalistic economic engine still running—forget about it!??Tell your “Progressive Marxist Morons” that Capitalism will endure poor Executive Leadership and continue to perpetuate.??Man, learn from Hunter and his entrepreneurial adventures.???Now could you improve the free market, help inflation, stop inflicting socialistic strangulating regs; and cease raping middle class Americans through taxation that does not benefit them???Of course, you could! ?????

Sadly, we find you less than truthful, less than honorable and forgive me but demonstrating yourself cognitively challenged.??Does this mean we have to suffer and lose so much as a nation???This should never be the case with an American President.?Excuse me Mr. President we are worried!?Our country, our way of life and the fate of the free world has much to do with the fact that you don’t seem to listen;?you won’t reverse and resolve your stupidity;?and worst of all you double down it.???

Whether psychological rhetoric or not Putin has put his country on heightened nuclear alert and clearly is acting in concert with China on issues of Taiwan.??Mr. President what are you doing to counter this???What’s the plan and what do you have in mind for “we the people?” ??

This all or nothing attitude towards climate change is political & idiotic.??We get it but in the short run we are not concerned with AOC’s green deal non-sense we are concerned with our survival and helping our free world allies.??Between you and Obama high tailing and running out on allies we will be fortunate to have anyone trusting us!

Not surprisingly your entire cabinet demonstrates like kind arrogance in furthering your flawed reasoning.?It is more than troubling.????Administrations of the past had cabinet officials resign rather than continue promoting untruths.??Your administration is special it seems—well except for those working for Kamala. . .

If you wonder why a note like this would be sent--consider the catastrophic exit from Afghanistan--shameful and embarrassing. ?No semblance of a plan and at a great humanitarian cost.???Ukraine is even more shameful and embarrassing.??Russia and China saw what they needed to see in real time!

We are watching the Ukrainian people get slaughtered while remembering how your son profited greatly from his questionable board membership on one of their utility companies and your questionable involvement while VP under Obama.???

Seriously Mr. President our patience with your dangerous ?progressive mindset; doublespeak and practices have destroyed any faith in you we could possibly muster.???Respectfully, would you consider vacating along with Kamala, Nancy, your entire cabinet & whomever would be next in line as a Demon-crat for President???Joe Manchin may be acceptable.?Maybe consult some of those constitutional experts used to convolute the law and find out how to facilitate an immediate two-year election for President and Vice President.???

If you love this country, please know that it would rapidly bring back confidence to the American people and perhaps save our Democratic Republic.??Let’s remember that not so long ago we saw Pope Ratzinger stepping down and it worked out well for the Church.???You remember him when you took Hunter for confession at the Vatican last year.??

In the event you ever concern yourself with what Americans are thinking about you—let this writing help your memory.?Herein is what some of your Patriotic freedom loving Americans are feeling, thinking and would prefer. ??Politicians in general are not a likable sort.?I have to say your administration has brought this to a new low.?

Joe, we pray for you to change your feelings, thinking and actions???We are a nation of peace but history teaches ?peace only comes through strength and resolve.? ?Whatever you decide be quick about it as the world cannot turn back the clock.??



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