hey, I heard you were a Wild One...
Nicole Stewart
I help ambitious business women live richer lives || Coach, Facilitator & Speaker specialising in the intersection of femininity and success || Creator of The Deeply Satisfied Woman
Earlier this week, I found myself somewhat by accident at an art therapy class.
An invitation to a women’s networking morning for Tuesday came on Monday afternoon, and the guest speaker was an art therapist.
I love meeting new women and I had a spacious morning so I grabbed a ticket. When I arrived, I realised she wasn’t just a guest speaker, but we’d actually be doing a mini workshop!
That was a lot of fun, but not the point of my post…
After an initial exercise where we were invited to scrawl lines with crayons in both hands with our eyes closed, we looked around the room at the different colours and shapes in front of each woman.
I’d used blue and green crayons. The green hadn’t worked that well on the paper, so there was just a big (mostly) blue mess in front of me.
The woman to my left, elegantly dressed and likely in her late 40’s, was looking down at her two completely separate, and relatively perfect oval shapes.
She looked at my blue mess, and some of the patches of adventurous scribble in front of the other women, and vulnerably shared with the group;
“I’m always in control. I want to allow more wildness!”
Sometimes in spaces where humans come to grow and get honest, there are these moments where time feels like it slows down ever so slightly…
This was one of those moments.
Her confession was simple, but hummed with powerful, raw honesty.
Around this room filled with intelligent professional women, eyes lit up with affinity, and I believe, hunger.
In the bones, womb and DNA of every woman lies a Wild One.
Some women are more in contact with Her than others.
Culture has tried to commodify and regulate her for she is a true force of nature.
Unapologetic. Unashamed. Messy. Raw. Primal. In utter approval of her desires, her imperfections, her humanness and her power.
The Wild One smacks her lips, bares her teeth and swings her hips at the ‘Good Girl’ conditioning that many women today carry.
Conditioning that has told women to hold their tongues and bite back the truth they want to speak - in the board room, in the bedroom, and everywhere in between.
And yes, I believe it’s a woman’s responsibility to integrate and mature her ‘Wild One’, so that she’s connected to her heart and can be expressed consciously, but these truths are so often the disruptive medicine that is sorely needed in our businesses, relationships and the world at large.
Women with strong connections to their Wild One are often seen as problematic and too much, and its all to easy to slip into silencing her altogether.
In so many of the driven women I’ve worked with, there’s a yearning for the Wild One and her medicine.
A yearning to have it less together, to be less considered. To give less of a shit when you say the wrong thing or make a mistake. To worry less about what others think and to be less concerned with looking perfect.
To climb on top with the lights on and enjoy the ride without thinking about how your tits, belly and thighs look.
To truly dance like nobody’s watching and give yourself more permission.
The Wild One has such a gorgeous, natural detoxifying effect - the power to wash shame through and out of your system and reunite you with a knowing of your rightness, as you are.
So, if you’re a woman who’s tried to be perfect, to have it all together and hide your imperfections or uncertainties, this is for you.
If you’re impeccably dressed, won’t leave the house without makeup, or won’t do it with the lights on, this is for you.
If there’s truth on your tongue you’re terrified to speak to someone you love, or your boss or someone else, this is for you.
If you see uninhibited women expressing themselves and can feel and hear your own discomfort and judgement of them, this is for you.
There is wild medicine in you, you just have to remember her. ??????
Divisional Manager | Supplying Virtual Assistants to Businesses
8 个月I love how you described the art therapy experience! It's incredible how such simple activities can unlock profound insights. Thank you for sharing this inspiring story.