The HexaTriDecimal Numbering System
Najeeb Shaikh
Founder: Omarax INC LLC, (Sharjah Media City) | DBA LaundryClerk | DBA: Middelium
{{ This is a re-published article: it first appeared on CodeProject back in 2010. Unfortunately they unceremoniously substituted my article with another author's, assigning no explanation whatsoever. }}
I recently needed to generate unique and incremental strings that could be used as unique ids for a project that I have been working on for some time now. I need to have a unique string ids for objects as they get created, and they have to be short and capable of being incremented or decremented, and also comparable with both their own type as well as bare strings.
A good application of this might be something like the urls you see in For example, my open source project's wiki on GitHub can be accessed using the the url
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