Hexagonal design pattern and how it is used in android
The hexagonal design pattern, also known as Ports and Adapters or Hexagonal Architecture, is an architectural pattern that emphasizes the separation of concerns and modularity in software development. This pattern was introduced by Alistair Cockburn, and it helps create more maintainable and testable code by isolating the core business logic from external dependencies.
Key Concepts:
Example Workflow:
The hexagonal design pattern is a powerful concept for building scalable, maintainable, and adaptable software systems. Its principles align with key software design principles such as SOLID, making it a valuable pattern for modern software development.
How it used in android ????????
Step 1: Identify Core Business Logic
Identify the core business logic of your application. This is the functionality that represents the unique value of your application. It could include use cases, domain entities, and business rules.
Step 2: Define Ports
Ports are interfaces that define how the core business logic interacts with the external world. In Android, ports could be interfaces or abstract classes that represent the operations that the application needs to perform, such as fetching data, storing data, or displaying information.
// Example: Port for fetching user data
public interface UserRepository {
User getUserById(String userId);
void saveUser(User user);
Step 3: Implement Adapters
Adapters are implementations of the ports. They are responsible for connecting the core business logic to external systems. For Android, adapters could be classes that interact with the database, network, or UI.
// Example: Adapter for UserRepository using SQLite database
public class SQLiteUserRepository implements UserRepository {
// Implementation of UserRepository methods using SQLite database
// ...
Step 4: Implement Core Business Logic
Implement the core business logic using the ports. The core logic should be independent of the external systems it interacts with. It only relies on the interfaces defined by the ports.
public class UserUseCase {
private final UserRepository userRepository;
public UserUseCase(UserRepository userRepository) {
this.userRepository = userRepository;
public User getUserDetails(String userId) {
// Business logic
return userRepository.getUserById(userId);
public void saveUserDetails(User user) {
// Business logic
Step 5: Dependency Injection
Use dependency injection to inject the appropriate adapters into the core business logic. This can be achieved through constructor injection or a dependency injection framework.
// Example: Using Dagger for dependency injection
public class AppModule {
public UserRepository provideUserRepository() {
return new SQLiteUserRepository();
// In your application component
@Component(modules = AppModule.class)
public interface AppComponent {
void inject(MyApplication application);
Step 6: Connect to Android Framework
Finally, create the Android-specific parts of your application, such as Activities, Fragments, and Views. These components interact with the core business logic through the ports.
public class UserDetailsActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
private UserUseCase userUseCase;
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
// Dagger can be used to inject the UserUseCase with the appropriate UserRepository
// Use the userUseCase in your UI components
// ...
By following these steps, you can create an Android application with a hexagonal architecture that separates the core business logic from external dependencies. This makes your codebase more modular, testable, and maintainable.