Hexagon Volume Graphics Live user meeting
Axel Müller
C3 Center of cleanliness competence. Effortable justified measures to secure product quality
A great event, a great opportunity to meet the key people, great networking and an honor to be invited as a speaker. It was a pleasure to present use cases of computer tomography to support decishions at exotic space exploration questions. The goal of our common development project OHB SE sy Quote = quality operational tomography evaluation is to transfer the CT investigation possibilities into system engineering, design and functionallity predictions. Demo application based on synchrotron ESRF for Industry , x-ray Quality Analysis GmbH Analysis and neutron tests shall soon be available in the application of electronics, new materials, coatings and functional parts. To demonstrate and confince high end applications we are lucky to team up with the best on data reconstruction Volume Graphics by Hexagon and 3d tactile measurment technology Hexagon AB .