This training is difficult for the reason that we turn up side down before try to get out and feel or get safe again. I remmembered when I went for my first time and the worst problem was feelling the water getting into my nose.
That made me think of a sulution. After few minuts thinking: EURECA! Clip nose. The athlets that do increadeble pirrouette under water could not resist the water coming into their nose, then they use this equipment.
I would recommend that all crew members that must travel by chopper to get to rigs or vessels invest abut R$14,00 (about 3,70 dollars) and have not this inconvenient ocurrence. It would be a good reason to keep calm and have a bigger opportunity to get out of this situation.
Off curse it is not necessary to place the equipment as soon as you get in the chopper, but if you keep it in a shirt pocket or even in your hand, there would be time enough to get ready fr impact with your nose protected. It will make the difference.
Think about it!