Heuristic of the Day: Take the Best Heuristic

Heuristic of the Day: Take the Best Heuristic

In late summer, we often face the most treacherous farmer’s market questions: kale, spinach, or arugula.?

If three customers come by, we can imagine three different choices. The health nut, with her sunglasses and old-fashioned blue-tooth headset, would buy kale; the mother, with her screaming kids, would get spinach since it’s the cheapest; and the at-home chef, her arms weighted with gnarled and bizarre veggies, would get the flavorful arugula.?

Each woman considers only the factor most important to her and then chooses the one that scores highest on that sole criterion. They did one test, took the best, and ignored the rest.

Spoiler alert: People make quick decisions without considering their impact.

Take the Best Heuristic offers an excellent description of how people actually make hasty decisions. We just consider the most important factor and then, well, stop.?

As with many heuristics, Take the Best Heuristic is usually very effective. Certainly, the women described above will be satisfied with their purchases. The downside is that it is difficult and time-consuming for us to make better, more thoughtful decisions. Our thoughtless, automatic brain is, unfortunately, not wired for more.?

Using snap-judgment scores, one could tally them or choose the most important parameter (taste, for example) and then purchase the one which has the highest score for that parameter. Taking the Best Heuristic is a simple way to make surprisingly good decisions with only a little extra effort.?

Read more about Take the Best Heuristic at the Heuristics Science Insitute: https://newristics.com/heuristics-biases/take-the-best-heuristic

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