? Heuristic of the Day: Affect Heuristic

? Heuristic of the Day: Affect Heuristic

Think of all the money Joe has saved on speeding tickets!

Affect Heuristic can lead people to use their emotions to guide decision-making over rational thought, especially in time-sensitive situations or high-pressure contexts. (Like when Joe was at the dealership and the car salesmen said, “I can’t promise she will still be here later. A young woman was in earlier that was very interested.”)

This mental shortcut leads us to make decisions based on how we feel, often forcing us to look through the lens of something being either “good” or “bad”. This prevents us from making completely sound, logical decisions.

Most of the time, slowing down your decision-making process can help to activate a rational and reasonable mindset and help us avoid the trap of making emotionally charged choices.

Read more about Affect Heuristic at the Heuristics Science Insitute.

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