Hetzner Cloud vs Google Cloud - pay less, get more
Boost your Hosting/IaaS-Business to PaaS
Many VM or Baremetal offerings lack platform services like #kubernetes, #postgresql, #rabbitmq to allow customers to compete with Google Cloud, AWS, and more.
Price-wise, these providers can compete with big clouds: look at Hetzner Cloud to make it concrete and imagine they compete with Google:
A machine with 8 GB RAM, 2 cores, 80 GB SSD in a german data center costs 0.015 €/h or around 10 € per month. The same machine at Google cloud costs more than 60 USD per month.
So what makes a machine at google so much better that you would pay 6x the price? Short answer: the logo. ;-)
The real difference is the value Google offers in terms of PaaS: they have home-made proprietary databases with medium SLAs, they have standard SQL with shitty SLAs, and you can click everything. The value is that you can save work.
But imagine you can get a PaaS offering for Hetzner Cloud? If you would get SQL databases, Kubernetes with the SLAs you need?
We offer platform services in every data center you like. Save money, get portable, go with #aep and #hetzner