Hesitation-Killer of Change and Vision
Donnie Tuttle
Teaching How to Live & Work by YOUR Design! | Wingman to Coaches | #ProfessionalDesign #UBU
Our results come from our habits. Most of the people I meet have a life habit of hesitation to do away with.
Hesitation is the more crafty cousin of fear. When you let Hesitation in, it brings its brother, Creative Avoidance, who speaks fluently in the language of excuses, and tomorrows. Hesitation is the #1 assassin of potential.
It does make sense to pause before action-it’s called planning-but after the plan is made, it’s game-time.
Hesitation does not belong in the place of action-just execution.
Hesitation robs us of momentum, power, and direction. Hesitation makes us reconsider. Hesitation gives us something else to do rather than prospect or recruit. Hesitation allows us to see “how foolish I would be” for carrying out valiant action. When people hesitate, they get hit in traffic. Most of us can spot the big monsters, but I contend that the seemingly innocent act of hesitation has stopped the momentum of the mighty more than outright fear. Fear is easier to spot but hesitation-hesitation seems rational.
How do we stop this robber of purpose? Here are a few ways:
- Be prepared.
- Have a clean area. Clutter distracts and tempts to be cleaned at the worst time.
- Start on time. Do you make calls at 8:00? Then pick up the phone at 7:59.
- Make it a habit of doing the right thing, NO MATTER WHAT.
- Start with smaller, easy wins to build momentum (wake up on time, exercise, pray/meditate, etc)
- Renew your mind-put some “I AM” and “I WILL” statements in to your affirmations…and say ‘em like you mean ‘em!
- Have a plan-what happens when distraction comes? Be ready with a course of action. Much of our distraction/hesitation cycle is predictable.
Success is momentum based. Plan. And then…do it. Don’t slow down. Don’ think. Don’t plan more. Don’t make it perfect-that was supposed to happen before game time. Don’t change course for bright shiny objects.
If you want an action item, identify just 1 area of hesitation in your life. Create an If/When, Then statement. "When I am offered dessert, I will ask order a seltzer water instead." "When it is time to prospect, I will start with affirmations, and make my first call on time, not a minute late. " You get the point.
Let's defeat fear, but don't forget about his more effective cousin-hesitation.