He's Right There

He's Right There

?After what felt like forever, the Texas weather finally returned to some semblance of normalcy. Waking up every day to overcast, gray skies holding the promise of rain for the better part of a month was a drag. What made matters worse is that when it rains, I can’t run. Yes, the gym has treadmills, but if I’m running, it’s outdoors, period, and end of discussion. Now that the weather has gotten back on track, my running routine has done the same.

I run alone, but each time I go out I take a piece of my father with me. He gave the best advice on running (and life) and many of the things he taught me resonate so much more now that he’s in a better place. No matter which route I take, how long I run, or what time I go, I keep my heart open because that way, I can see him. And I promise you, every time I run; morning, noon, or night, he’s standing right there.


There’ve been days I’ve walked out of the house with enough energy to run 10 miles … but I end up running only two. I only do two because before leaving home, I made the mistake of grabbing a drink, trying to keep my mouth moist. And because I did, I can’t take a chance of being too far from my home, and my bathrooms. I told my old man about this challenge and that’s when he shared one of his time-tested running hacks. He said, “Lynn instead of drinking water or anything before leaving, put something good in your mouth.” With that, he pulled out a handful of peppermints. “Put one of these in your mouth, it’ll keep it moist and that way, you can go as far as you want to”.

From that day forward, every so often he’d slide me a stick of gum, a peppermint, a butterscotch, or his favorite, a grape Jolly Rancher. He’s not here anymore, but every single time I open the wrapper, I’m reminded of that conversation. I’m reminded that it had so little to do with running, and so much to do with life. Before you start out on your journey today put something good in your mouth. A kind word, even if it’s just for you. A positive affirmation, sage advice, or a simple compliment you’ve been meaning to share, and someone’s been needing to hear. When you do that, when you put something good in your mouth, you can go as far as you want to.

Busy streets are a part of the runner’s experience. There isn’t a day I go out that I don’t encounter one with cars going this way or that way, honking horns, and going faster than the law allows. Even in the neighborhoods, in the wee hours of the morning or dimly lit hours of the night, the streets tend to be busy. But here’s the thing; those busy streets have honor. Yes, there’s a code, unwritten, but still a code all the same. It says that when a runner is trying to cross – you stop.

It’s honorable, bur its deceptive and laced with danger. You see, when a driver allows you to pass, the expectation is for you to speed up as you cross as a show of appreciation and when you do that, you lose your pace. My father always told me to find my pace and stick with it because that’s what’s going to get you to where you want to go. He said instead of crossing over when a driver offers, kindly wave them off … but keep your feet moving until they pass, that way you won’t lose your pace.

One of the biggest mistakes we make in life is when we begin yielding to someone else’s expectations, speeding up as a show of appreciation. Next time you find yourself in a situation like this, kindly wave them off … but keep your feet moving. Because after all, if you’re trying to get to where you want to go … you can’t afford to lose your pace.

I moved three years ago which meant I had to meet new running routes. I’ve met a few, some I consider friends and run them on a regular basis. Others fall into the acquaintance category, meaning we only see one another every so often. No matter if I’m running a friend or acquaintance route, I always see the same faces. There’s the husband and wife walking together; him with one hand holding one of hers and the other holding a golf club. There’s the group of three as I like to call them – each one carrying a stick. My favorite is the woman holding a phone in one hand, blasting her music while her other hand is firmly gripping an aluminum bat.

My father was the oldest guy on the road. To the naked eye an old man like him was the most vulnerable soul out there. The eye can be deceiving because in truth, he was the most powerful … because he prayed. He prayed which meant he needed no sticks, clubs, or bats … his prayer was his weapon. Here’s one of the coolest things about my father; his heart and the way he loved others. At some point, he recognized that his place with God was secure. He told me he knew where he was going, he knew the address of his eternal resting place. So, instead of praying for himself when he ran … his runs became prayers for others.

He’d pray for that homeless man he gave loose change the day before, asking God to make a way so he doesn’t have to beg others. For as long as his body allowed him to run on that particular day, his prayer would be for that nameless face he saw at the store earlier that week, looking as though they were ready to give up. He prayed they wouldn’t. Children he saw who reminded him of his, he prayed for them too and so many more. He did this because he understood being a man of God was knowing that his prayers shouldn’t always center on him.

Somewhere, someone is counting on your prayer. Could be a face on a corner, someone trying desperately to hide trouble and despair … but you saw through it. You don’t know them, and chances are, you’ll never see them again. God knows who they are, and your prayer might be the one that opens the door they’ve been waiting on. Instead of praying for yourself today, pray for others. Because when you do … somewhere, someone is sure to be blessed.


If your father is like mine and his address is that beautiful, eternal one, honor him today by putting something good in your mouth – even if it’s just for you. Do this because when you do, you can go as far as you want. To get there, you can’t stop no matter what distracts you, who interrupts or places expectations. So, kindly wave them off, keep your feet moving – and most important of all, be sure to keep your pace. Know that when you pray for others, God also hears your needs. And if you find yourself longing or looking for your father, open your heart so you can see him and I promise…

He’ll be standing right there…







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