Hero's Battle
When I think back to the day I accepted the challenge to write a script that I knew in my heart that would be one of the most difficult challenges in my life, I had no clue everything that God had planned for this film. While doing Fred Stoeker’s Every Young Man’s Battle study with some young men at church a few years ago, I didn’t realize what kind of journey God was leading me to take. God led me to Fred and started something that is so important. If you have never done one of Fred Stoeker’s studies, I highly recommend them. They are all important and are all completely real. One of my favorites is “Hero” which goes into Fred’s son and daughter in law’s story about how their relationship played out. Unfortunately, Jasen and Rose’s relationship has never been the normal type of relationship. In this case, normal is not always the best thing for us. I believe that we need a new type of normal like their relationship.
I get that pornography is a difficult subject for a faith-based film. From the very first day I had to commit to write a script that not only tells the truth, but also honors what God wants for this film. I couldn’t write this script with one specific type of audience. Pornography affects everyone at some point in their lives. It is the most accessible type of drug. I knew when I accepted this challenge I had to prepare for battle. To prepare to write this script I knew that I had to spend time in His word and spend time in prayer. I knew I had to do this throughout the entire process. I had to pray for protection, because I knew that Satan was going to attack me from all sides to try and distract from God’s purpose for this film. Ephesians 6: 10-18 really spoke to me. I knew that if I was going to go through this battle, I needed to put on the full armor of God. I put my trust in Jesus knowing that through Him I would be able to stand firm and take anything Satan tried to throw at me.
The things God has done for this film have been truly amazing. This film is going to be an important film. My prayer is that God will use this film to help bring healing to marriages. I pray that God will use this film to help people break free from their addiction to pornography. I pray that God will use this film to open up a dialogue about one of the most difficult topics to discuss. I pray that God will use this film to open people’s eyes to what we allow into our families lives, by simply clicking a button. Whether that button is to turn on the television or perform an internet search, we need to see that Satan will use anyway he can to get into our lives. I pray that God will call people to suit up by putting on the full armor of God and join in this battle.
Pornography is one of the most difficult addictions to try and overcome. The truth is pornography destroys lives. Satan wants you to believe the lies he has created to distract you from the truth. Satan wants you to believe:
· You’re not hurting anyone, Porn is a victimless crime
· Porn enhances your sex life with your spouse and is watching porn is better than cheating
· You need porn
· You can never change
· No one will understand
· You’re never going to be able to break free
· If you’re really a Christian, you wouldn’t have a porn addiction
These are all lies that Satan wants you to believe to keep you trapped in this addiction. Satan does not want you to open up about your experiences with pornography. The reason Satan wants you to believe it’s better to keep this sin hidden, is because he doesn’t want you to know that you are not alone. Satan knows that the truth will change you and help you escape the hold this addiction has over you. Jesus can help you break those chains that are holding you back from a healthier way of living.
If you are suffering from a porn addiction, there are steps you can take to free you from your chains. Stop living with the guilt of your addiction and turn to Jesus. Talk to Jesus about your addiction and let Him know that you want to turn away from your sin. After you seek forgiveness, seek a real change. Pray constantly and stay in His word because through Jesus you can overcome your sin. Open up about what you are going through. Find someone to hold you accountable. You need to know that you don’t have to go through this alone. It’s time for you to open up and not succumb to the fear of what someone might think of you. It’s time to not only come clean to yourself but come clean to your spouse. Don’t let the fear of losing your spouse keep you from breaking free and having the type of marriage God wants you to have. I have good news for you. The same God who can break you free from those chains of pornography, can heal and give hope to a betrayed spouse. Take steps to block the triggers that can cause you fall back into your old ways. Place blocks on your internet and television that will prevent material that will distract you. And finally, don’t give up no matter what. If you slip up, start over and seek Him. Trust in God’s grace and seek Him to find freedom from your pornography addiction.
A lot of people have asked what they can do to be involved in this film. The number one thing you can do is become one of our “Prayer Warriors.” Pray for everyone involved in the making of this film. Pray for the people who need to see this film. We all know someone who is suffering because of a pornography addiction. Pray that God will continue to bless the making of this film. Pray that marriages will be healed, and husbands and wife’s will turn to God to strengthen their marriages. Pray that warriors will stand up and join in this battle, knowing that through Jesus we have victory. I encourage each and every one of you to check out www.fredstoeker.com to learn more about his ministry.