On Heroes and Villains
Will Alexander, PMP, LEED AP, CEM, CCM, SFP, BEAP, CEA
Sustainability | Real Estate | Construction | Motorsports
On Heroes and Villains
Much like Tyrion Lannister, I drink and I know things. Therefore, this writing will be largely bereft of citations, drawing instead primarily from my vast collection of pop culture references and useless facts. A friend of mine recently made a declaration regarding their newfound confidence in appropriately setting boundaries and unapologetically burning bridges to former associates that had, presumably, only served to manipulate her or exploit her vulnerability for their own gain. It was in response to a meme that was making the rounds. The remarkable thing was her own addition. Loosely paraphrasing, she declared, “If this means to some, I’m in my villain era, so be it.” Loryn Wilson Carter struck a chord with me.
In my last writing, I shared how I had been applying to many jobs, interviewing for a good number along the way. I hadn’t interviewed in some time prior, but a common question that occurred with some frequency recently was a prompt inviting the candidate (me) to explain in some detail a situation at work in which essentially they saved the day. A hero’s tale.
Many interview questions, I feel are posed or framed that way. It makes sense. Interviewers often wish for candidates to articulate their capabilities in narrative form to gain a sense of how the candidate has utilized resources in the past, or overcome a lack of resources, or demonstrated courage under fire, etc. After so many behavioral interviews, I actually felt a bit uneasy about the amount of self-promotion that seems to be elicited. I found myself repeating to interviewers, “Well, everyone is the hero in their own stories, but as objectively as I can tell it, this was the scenario….”
A few times I was asked what is my super power. Another instance, I was asked what was my greatest weakness. At the time, I assumed this was to gain an understanding of how self-aware a candidate might be and to gauge their capacity for introspection. In any event, the line of questioning seemed to reinforce the sense that these companies were searching for their next hero, and could I prove myself up to the task.
In many respects, I have viewed myself as capable of heroism. I’ve been able to figure out complex matters of trade coordination, solve commissioning and startup challenges, brute force my way through difficult project closeouts, etc. A few times, I’ve been tripped up or encountered adversaries that set me back, but I’ve always regrouped and come back stronger. I’ve overcome a lot. This whole time, I thought I was this unsung hero. But what if there was no singing because I’ve been a VILLAIN this entire time?
Do villains even know that they’re villains?
When I asked that question of the Google machine, I came across this research which was interesting. At the risk of a gross over-simplification, it is easier for many people to identify with fictional villains as opposed to real-life bogeymen.
I grew up with comic books. When the X-men animated series debuted in 1992, you couldn’t tell me that this wasn’t the peak moment in the course of all humanity. The Uncanny X-men arcade game was fun and all, but I only ever had so many quarters and possessed even less skill. I could only advance but so far. At this point, every Saturday morning, I could watch the adventures unfold week after week. First off, I wished desperately for mutant powers. My mother once warned me not to stand in front of the microwave while my meal was heating up for fear of radiation escaping and injuring me. I was convinced this was how I could mutate; and I pretty much lingered near the microwave any time she wasn’t in the kitchen to reprimand me for the next several years. I am incapable of shame. (Could that be a super power?) I was convinced that I could use whatever powers that I’d be granted for good.
In addition to the powers, the stories also resonated with me because of the inspiration that Stan Lee clearly drew from the Civil Rights movement as embodied by the characters Professor X and Magneto as proxies for Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and Malcolm X. By the time I was growing up, Dr. King had already been transformed into what I call ‘the Civil Rights Santa Clause’; his image had by then become sufficiently sanitized, commercialized and made palatable enough for White folks to quote him annually in February, and then ignore his teachings the rest of the year. I was nearly an adult before I learned the extent to which, in his day, Dr. King was actually vilified by a majority of White Americans. People have written entire dissertations on this. You should just go find and read one of those. I’m not into citations anymore.
Real life isn’t black and white. What separates a hero from a villain isn’t always so clear either. One, of a great many factors which color in what light we view people or characters, is the impact of ‘time.’ What’s radical or novel today could, in time, become what are the expected norms once enough people are catalyzed to either reject some prior state of being or adopt a new state of being.
I was not familiar with the character, Black Panther, prior to his introduction in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). Look, I had comics, but I didn’t have all of the comics, ok? When Marvel announced that the character was getting his own movie AND a young Black director was going to be at the helm, myself, along with the entire Black people diaspora understood the assignment. It was the only time in my life for which I specifically curated a dedicated outfit to attend a screening in a movie theater. I took off of work. It was serious.
One of the characters that made some folks uncomfortable was Erik Killmonger. Ostensibly the ‘villain’ of the film, the character is portrayed as a man dedicated to ending the oppression of Black people world-wide by any means necessary. It is a noble and just cause, one with which I am personally aligned; however, I faulted Killmonger for what I viewed as his lack of principle in his willingness to kill other Black people while proclaiming to also be a liberator of Black people. I struggled to reconcile the actions with his ideals. Still, more radical members of my contemporaries sometimes posted on social media, “Killmonger was right!” I wasn’t revolutionary enough. Or perhaps, as the earlier research I hyperlinked might suggest, the portrayal was too entrenched in real world struggles of racism and oppression for me to feel comfortable identifying with this villain. The story was lighter on fantasy and heavier on reality. Perhaps I didn’t want to connect with him for fear of how I might be perceived for doing so.
Then there’s Thanos. I’ve previously made reference to collecting my own Infinity Stones. In what feels like art imitating life, in some of the Disney+ installments following the resolution of Avengers: End Game, the viewer is presented with graffiti or other instances where a protagonist comes across the text, “Thanos was right,” a seeming call-back to the Killmonger posts I described above. Unlike Erik Killmonger, we got even less backstory to understand the trauma which served to turn Thanos into a big bad. With Killmonger, there’s just no denying that they did that boy wrong. Our hero literally screams at his entire lineage on the ancestral astral plane of how they had collectively messed up. With Thanos, it was just like, ‘yeah your planet was crowded. But after you snapped everybody, you went to that empty ass planet and did gardening. Why ain’t ya’ll just move some people there to begin with?’
What they have in common is that I don’t believe either saw themselves as villains. It could be argued that they may or may not have had awareness of how others were inclined to perceive them and/or their actions. As viewers, we simply were not granted that perspective. In following the origin stories and character arcs of our beloved protagonists, these villains just abruptly appear as formidable adversaries. We only get enough exposition to understand their motives, and how they are diametrically opposed against our heroes. That’s enough to set up the conflict and move a good story along. Sometimes, I wish there was more. What made them both captivating antagonists is that neither were hyperbolic, evil-for-the-sake-of-being-evil, villainous tropes. Both were intensely driven by a sense of purpose to accomplish their aims. In the case of Killmonger in particular, his radical progressiveness served to catalyze a shift in the more conservative, traditionalist T’Challa to advance from his country’s prior posture relative to the rest of the diaspora and the world stage. T’Challa doesn’t make these moves without the confrontation of an Erik Killmonger.
Because, like Thanos (and Tony Stark), I, too, am cursed with knowledge, the physical outcome of the snap being capable of wiping out matter is at odds with the Law of Conservation of Mass - matter cannot be created or destroyed. But for the sake of argument, if the snap could destroy matter, as it did (and later restored the same matter) then shouldn’t it hold that the Infinity Stones possessed the capability of creating matter and thusly opening the potential to have greatly expanded the universe as well? Instead of taking away, could he have created (doubled the universe and its resources)? He rightly identified a problem, but with all his knowledge, he was limited in his understanding of other available options. In time, even with his plan as enacted, having halved all life in the universe, at some point in the future, we would have again reached that critical tipping point. (That’s a long sentence. Someone should snap it.) Worse still, citing the need to deter others from the temptation of using the stones, he destroyed the stones. Umm, sir. In a millenia or so, if the snap was the only solution for our times, some successor of yours would need to do some more universal pruning and snap again in the future. You took away the tools you felt most effective at dealing with the problem. I like you, but you frustrate me.
I digress. Villains are flawed. Because of their flaws or character deficits, we despise them. When our heroes are flawed, it humanizes them. Both character types are allowed to possess flaws, but how we view and treat them as a result differs. I’ve only been thinking about this topic for a day. And as I write this, I’m on my second heavy pour of bourbon on a Friday night. Despite this, I will posit that there really may not be much that separates heroes and villains aside from the perspective from which they are viewed. Our world views and beliefs, I think, inform who our heroes and villains are. The Amazon series, “The Boys”, I think perfectly embodies this. Name your favorite comic character and there is probably an analog of that character that is supposed to be a ‘hero’ here as well, but who is, in practice a high-powered, terrible human being. The best worst example of this is bizzarro Superman, aka Homelander. One of my favorite memes is a juxtaposition of Henry Cavill’s Superman split-screen against Antony Starr’s Homelander with the text, “How US history is taught : What actually happened”. Don’t worry. I found it:
These are both ‘heroes’. “The Boys” does a great job, among many things, of exploring the villainy that can be present in heroism. I’ll leave it at that.
There are things, in this present time, that I will no longer abide. Up until now, I’m thinking I’m Chris Evan’s Captain America, and instead, maybe, I’m here a whole villain, owing to the times I find myself in. And as we discussed, at some point in the future, perhaps the traits for which I’ve been faulted and marginalized will be celebrated. In the present day, someone might reach out to me, quietly, on Slack and type, “hey man, I totally agree with what you said today in the All Hands meeting.” It would have been more helpful to our collective cause of adjusting the norms to meet our needs and expectations (in the workplace) if you would publicly offer support instead of doing so privately. But I understand why you didn’t. In the real world, it is hard to identify with or celebrate the villain. That’s what the research says. It’s also helpful to understand who I am and what role I play. Today I’m not the hero. I’m doing good, but not in a way with which or with whom people are ready to align themselves. Not publicly anyway. It isn’t fantasy. It’s too real and there are consequences. I thought because I was bravely willing to take on these consequences, endure these hardships, and persevere nonetheless, I was the hero. I was and am not. I am a whole super villain. This is my origin story.